Its Been a While

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Ok I'm back and ready to go and I hope you've enjoyed the story so far but on with the story

It's been three weeks since my out lash bit I'm ok now I'm back to normal I get out of bed and wake up Carl we walk down to the fields and join Rick in farm duties

"Hay you didn't wake us up?" I ask he turns smiling "well I knew you two were up late reading comics" it was true we were up late reading

We do our farm duties witch were feeding the pigs and pulling weeds after that we head up and find the rest of the group it's much bigger now we have about 15 people now

I grab a plate so dose Carl and we sit down at an empty table and start eating   After breakfast we head to our secret hideout  I load a bowl

We managed to grow a plant up here only me Carl and Daryl know about it I light it and take a big rip then pass it I blow into Carl's face

"Haha your my bitch now" he growls and then hits the pipe he blows in mine and we laugh and roll over on the cot and make out

After a while we brake the kiss and get undressed I need Carl inside me I get on my hands and knees "oh doggie style huh?" I giggle

He positions himself by my entrance and pushes in but it's not the same now even though we haven't done this since the Woodbury incident it's just not the same but Carl keeps going I get into it after a bit and start moaning under him

He fucks my rear hard and fast as we make sweet love but the memory of what happened in Woodbury comes back I feel that pain the pain of something too big going inside me I scream

"Ahhhhhhhh" Carl pulls out and whirls round to me "what's wrong did I hurt you?" He's worried I shake my head "it's nothing I'm fine really" I see him hesitate but then he resumes his fucking

After a few more minutes we cum and it's sweet bliss until I remember that  fucking pervs des using cum inside me but I remind myself this is Carl's sweet succulent cum that I crave every time I see him naked

We finish our bowl and get dressed and rejoin the others for dinner that night we feast on pasta and garlic bread thanks to Rick me and Carl growing such good crops

After dinner me and Carl retire to our cell and cuddle up to go to bed but we're woken up by an ear shattering scream we get up and hastily pull on our pants and grab our guns

"The scream came from D block" I say as we run towards it when we enter we see chaos walkers are in the cell block I aim my gun at one of them and take it down before it can munch on a kid

We clear everyone out and kill off the walkers Rick Hershel Daryl me and Carl are all crowded around a dead walker apparently his name was Patrick but he died and became a walker

"Everyone here is infected" Hershel said this like it was nothing but we could die like Patrick did and attack the cell block Carl's not near the body so I tell him to get out before he's exposed too late

Rick has ordered anyone who starts coughing to go to A block death row how ironic and now me and Carl are coughing and are being sent to quarantine just grate

We walk down the hall and see carol she looks at us as we walk in coughing I hear her say something before she closes the door "sorry boys...." Now we are in a new cell and sick

Ok sorry had to cut it off early cuz my phones about to die but I'll see you next time bye   

Carl Grimes x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن