The Fight of Love

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Ok guys I hope you are all enjoying and if at any point you get bored or I fall into the same pattern just tell me in the comments and I'll try to make it better

After we closed up and left the keys for Hershel and bounce off into the distance I guide Daryl to the shelter and we drive in it's been a few weeks now

Time Skip (thanks to lil boy love!)

It's July now I've been keeping track to surprise Carl on our birthday it's tomarrow I'll be 13 and Carl 14 it's exciting three years we've survived and I've found I'm starting to see Rick as my dad more and more

Yet it's also depressing because I'm an orphan my mom is dead and probably half eaten and my dad is who the fuck knows no ware leaving me there only son alone in this hell hole of rotting corpses trying to eat me

Any ways the walls haven't been breached for over a week it's a pretty good feat for the post-apocalypse I'm alone for once I snuck off so no one could fallow me it's peaceful to say the least out here

The crickets frogs and walkers wait walker?

I whirl round and see nothing I make a full spin so to See in every direction for as far as the eye could see still nothing I was outside the walls but there haven't been any walkers this side (the right side) in over two weeks and I liked coming out here to think

But at first it was more of a rage relevant as I busted rocks to smeathereins but after all that it became much more calm and soothing I'll often disappear for hours out here just enjoying nature but now I have to leave cuz I see a few walkers we don't have any amo to spare so I'll just leave them I head back

Carls POV:

I wake up again with no Jake beside me he's been sneaking around some were I blow it off as I always do and head for a shower 'alone' after that I dry off 'alone' and eat breakfast 'alone'

I finish and as I walk out from my dishes low and behold here comes the prick Jake coming in from the gate I hate him leaving all the time

"Hay Carl" he says with a wink I just glare he leaves

Jakes POV:

I walk in the gate and try talking to Carl but he blows me off with that scowl he gave me so I hung my head and walked away to find dad......I mean Rick that's right Rick

I find the sharif at the out scerts of the town I approach him and he doesn't look he's concentrating I speak up "Rick?" He turns and looks down

"What is it?" He questions "can we talk?" He nods leading me to a bench near by "what's bothering you?" He says sitting I sit with him

"We'll ever since I started taking my walks in the morning Carl seems distant and mad at me and I don't know why can you help?"

He takes this all in and clears his throat "well how about you just try talking with Carl see his side of the story maybe it'll help relationships aren't a thing to play with it takes dedication"

I soak this in and nod "thanks Rick your the best ever" I say as I hug him he chuckles and sets me down "I just don't want you boys growing apart I won't be here forever you know one of you two is next up as leader if I fall"

I nod and head out to find Carl

Ok a short one but it's done this chapter was mostly to show that on the outside the boys may look tough and non innocent but on the inside they are still just kids trying to be kids in there own ways I'll leave the rest up to you readers and I'll see you next chapter bye!!

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