Back on The Road

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Well guys it's time yet again I'm going to try and make this chapter longer and centered around Jake and Carl but with a little pice of Jesse's end here and there but I hope you enjoy and now on with the story...

Jakes POV:

We've gotten back on track headin for Tennessee we're about three fourths the way there and holding strong I was about to speed off when Carl spoke "hay look a Target store" I slow and look to where he pointed

We pull in and I park "ok Carl you try to get some fuel from these cars and I'll clear the store he nods "ok be carful" I chuckle "ok but we haven't seen one Walker the whole trip" I pat him on the shoulder

I walk up to the sliding glass door closed then to the normal glass door locked "shit" I say I bang the glass and wait three minutes six minutes nothing I brake the glass and head in gun drawn silencer and all

I clear one half nothing I head to the other half and hear a familiar groan I near the isle it's coming from and see one Walker as it shambles away from me I sneak up behind it and stab it in the head

I clear the rest no prob and drag out the body Carl comes over I drop it's legs "first one the whole way" he nods "ya it's wired" we stand for a minute then "you get any fuel from the cars?" He nods "ya a little about a gallon and a half"

I nod "good let's get what we can" he fallows me in we head for the food section and grab some canned goods beans ravioli spaghetti stuff like that we get some bread some chili and soda then head out we load the stuff get in and get going.....

-time skip-

It's night we just stopped a few miles till Tennessee we climb in the back area and settle down Carl pulls out a comic and I snuggle into him as he reads aloud we fall asleep like this until I wake up

Once up I feel the urge to pee I don't want to go outside though so I hold it for a minute trying to get back to sleep then I realize I can't hold it much longer I shake Carl gently he stirs with a sleepy "hmmm?" I make sure he's awake

"I gotta pee come with me" he gives me a puzzled look "why?" I blush a little "I..I'm scared of the dark ok just come out with me and keep guard please" I beg he chuckles now fully awake "ok ok I'll go with you"

he gets up and we put on shoes exiting the cab of the van he stands with a light looking round I pee right quick and then pull up my pants just as a twig snaps I jump into Carl's arms literally and he jumps in the cab turning out the lights

I guess I had a little more pee left cuz when I jumped I peed my pants we sit in the cab still in Carl's arms as we watch a small group pass out of the woods

I hear them "I'm sure of it I saw two little boys over here!" A young woman spoke "well there gone now lets go!" A man said then a younger man speaks up "no we can't leave them who knows what they've been trough or how old they were..."

He was cut off by the older man "damn it gorge we can't stay here!" The younger man gorge then continued "what if it was your kids or mine out here huh then would those two boys matter?"

"Look gorge Tim stop arguing and let's go look for them" the woman says they leave after a few minutes we climb back and Carl takes note of my wet pants he chuckles lightly "I didn't know you had accidents" he said I blushed and looked away

"Here you can barrow mine" he said I looked back to see him striping out of his pajama pants and underwear handing them to me and grabbing a new pair of pajama bottoms for himself i take my soiled pants off and underwear

I change into Carl's and we lie back down and cuddle we lay there for about two or three hours until we heard a sniffing outside then a growl not a groan like a walker but a growl like a... "bear" me and Carl both say

Then a violent shake caused me and Carl to jump both of us messing our new pants Carl wetting them too we land with a squish as the fresh warm poo spread

We sat there till the bear wondered away then the stink reached our noses we scrunched them up and then stripped both wiping our bottoms clean and throwing our very soiled and stinky pants and shirts outside

We settle into the covers naked as the day we were born we cuddle together our naked warm body's up against each other we kiss deeply and fall asleep....

Ok that's it for now I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you next chapter Bye!!

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