Life and Death

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ok chapter 5 extended and ready to read i hope you guys like it and ya enjoy....

after a while of walking and talking about life before we end up at a cliff and sit down i look out over a huge rock quarry with a lake at the bottom i look over to carl as he takes a breath of fresh mountain air

we continue our conversation and finally the school aspect comes up carl looks at me "so what was your favorite part of school?" i think and reply "science and recess" he laughs "that was mine too" we keep talking about just random stuff favorite colors old friends and what we would do on the weekends

after a while we hear our moms calling us and we stand up i turn to carl "race ya?" he nods and we take off i get ahead of him and i win i was always fast had to be because of bullies

that night we had dinner and sat down around a fire where Rick told everyone about how he woke up and how happy he was his family was alive after an hour of two Rick came over to me and carl "how would you boys like to have your own tent?" we look to each other and back to Rick and nod

"alright help me set it up" we go over to where our parents tents were and right in between the two we pitched the new blue tent me and Carl helped with the poles and the rain roof and once it was up we moved in

once we were changed into our pajamas we climbed into the one sleeping bag that was left but it was ok me and Carl were best friends by now and then lori and Rick came in and said goodnight to Carl and my mom said goodnight to me and we went to sleep

the next morning i wake up to Carl's sleeping face and then i see a figure behind him 'oh no a walker!' then in comes Rick but he doesn't kill it he speaks

"hey Lori i was wondering were you went" 'oh it's Lori Carl's mom' she speaks "just checking on the boys there so cute look at them cuddle"

i take notice of how we had our arm around each other Rick whispered something to Lori and they left i jump out of the bag and right back in as the morning cold hit my skin and then as i got warm again Carl's blue eyes met my own as he woke

then a smell hit our noses breakfast we get up still a bit sleepy and get dressed quickly we exit and i walk by Rick and he grabs my shoulder "hey Carl i want to talk to you" i look at Rick confused "Rick i'm not Carl i'm Jake"

Rick looks at me now confused "then why are you wearing his clothes?"
i look down not to see my red hoodie but Carl's usual light blue tee-shirt with a black paw print with little dots and circles around it like an atom i then look to carl who has my hoodie and is talking to my mom

"i guess we switched clothes on accident" i say turning back to Rick he chuckles and tells me "you know i bet you two could fool everyone by switching like that" with that i go over to carl and we go change into our correct clothes and then go for food

as we eat i hear the adults talking about a guy named Daryl and that he's the brother of the guy we left on the roof his name was Merle and that Daryl wouldn't be happy when he got back

and then as if on queue out came this Daryl guy he was looking for his brother when Rick and the black guy who was named T-dog went to tell him he got angry and tried to stab Rick but then Shane puts him in a head lock

after convincing Daryl not to murder anyone they let him go and started loading up to go Rick Daryl Glen and T-dog all got into the truck we came in and left to go get Merle meanwhile me and Carl had to do math

-time skip-

later that night the two sisters came back to camp with a whole lot of fish my mouth started watering as soon as i saw them me and Carl asked if they could teach us how to fish and they agreed so that night we had a big fish fry

we cooked fish and stuffed ourselves till we couldn't eat anymore then one of the sisters got up "were ya goin?" asked Dale she turned "i have to pee" with that we continued eating and a minute later out she came "we're out of toilet paper?!?" then a walker chomped her arm

we all scream and gun fire ignited as me and Carl were yanked by our moms but in the confusion we got separated and me and  Carl ran for the woods we ran for a minute and the up a tree when we saw more walkers we sat in the mid section of the tree trembling as we held each other

then i heard Rick and the others they came back and finished off the walkers that when i blacked out next thing i knew it was morning and i heard a voice "i found the boys!" i looked down at Dale "it's ok come on down the walkers are gone"

we climb down and Carl goes to his mom i don't see mine so i go looking but as i'm walking i trip on a walker on the ground it growls at me and i scream "HEEEEEELLLLP!!" just before it chomps my leg Rick kills it he helps me up and looks me over

"did it bite you or scratch you?" i shake my head
"no but my moms missing" he sighs and gets up "well come on we'll go look in sure she's fine" i nod and we go to look for her

after a minute i see her long curly brown hair and i run over "MOM!" but i stop as she turns it's her but she's a walker i fall on my butt and tears stream down my cheeks as Rick puts her down he then comes over and picks me up rubbing my back as i cry

all i could think was 'my moms dead i'm an orphan all alone' over and over i just cried into Ricks shoulder as he tried to comfort me memories of mom flash her cooking sending me to school hugging me all of that would never happen again ever....

i kinda feel bad about taking Jake's mom so early but it had to happen and it paves the way for the next chapter of his story now as an orphan....

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