The Man Part 1

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Hey guys chapter 2 of the extended story is here I hope you like it and please please if you like it tell me and now on with it...

The next day came and I woke up to Mom packing some stuff to go get food she goes past me placing a hand on my head as she went I fallow

She grabs a bag and the pistol dad gave her "alright jake sweetie stay here don't go outside and better yet don't open the door I'll be right back ok?"

I nod and she hugs me before opening the door and leaving the door shuts and I'm left alone to my thoughts

I play with my toys for a bit then get up and get some water I then find myself in the spear bedroom looking at the only window that's not boarded up

I go over and almost open it then I remember Mom said to stay inside so I close it and go to my room laying in bed I look through the crack in the boards

All I see is roamers the dead just shambling along like they own the place but I guess since me and Mom are the only people here anymore they kinda do own it

But I hate them I sigh and get up going downstairs and getting a bag of chips the last one Doritos I munch on them for a bit till they're half gone I put them up and then find myself back in the spare bedroom with the window open

I figure if I'm really quiet then I can just sit and soak in some rays I then climb out carefully and sit just outside the window not making a single sound

An hour passes and when I open my eyes I see the wide open sky dotted with white puffy clouds and the sun beaming down into me I sit up as my hair shines in the sun

I look down to the street and see a roamer riding a horse no not a roamer a man in that second I forget about noise and being safe this is the person I've seen besides mom in a few weeks after all

I yell down "hey mister!" He stops looking around I wave my arms "up here to your right!" He looks up and almost seems relieved but then a frown and he finally speaks

"H..hey little boy please can you let me in?" I nod heading for the window
"Hold on im coming down!" I yell climbing into the window I run down stairs through the hall and to the front door I unlock all of the 10 locks mom put on and fling open the door and there he is I gulp he looks down

"It's ok little boy I'm not here to hurt you I'm a police officer" I look at him and sure enough a police badge he steps forward I step back then he kneels to my level

"Hey it's alright I'm not going to hurt you"

I look up and see mom running towards the house I yell "MOM!!" The man stands up and turns around to face her

She points a gun at his head he raises his hands "hey I'm not here to hurt anyone I'm a police officer"

She lowers her gun "what do you want?" I get behind her as she moves to the door "just a place to stay the night"

Mom nods putting her gun away "one night but you try anything to hurt me or my boy I'll shoot you in the head got it?" He nods and we go in

Alright all done with chapter 2 extended I hope you liked it and please give me feedback it would help me a lot!

Carl Grimes x OCDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora