Till The Sun Goes Down

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Sam held Gabriel's hand as they swung back and forth, Sam believing the sun was going to scorch him alive. "You know I burn easily." Sam complained. Gabriel just laughed. They stayed on the swings for hours, always somehow managing to keep each other's hand. Over the course of the last five minutes, they must have said "I love you" at least thirty times. The sun was beginning to set, and Sam knew he should head home for the day. "Gabe, I think Dean is gonna want me home pretty soon." He hinted. He surely didn't want to leave his new boyfriend, but he also didn't want to give Dean more to worry about. Gabriel nodded and released Sam's hand reluctantly, both of them getting off the swings.  "I love you, Moose." He whispered with a grin, laying his forehead on Sam's. Sam smiled, heating up a little bit. "I love you too, my trickster." He said in a low voice. He watched with a smirk as Ganriel shivered visibly. He pressed his lips to his cheek before dashing back home.

"Dean, I'm home!" Sam called happily. Dean grinned wider than Sam had ever seen, coming out from his bedroom. "Hey-ya, Sammy!" He smiled, big and bright. Sam sighed. He'd wanted to tell Dean everything so badly, but Dean did and always would come first. "How was your day?" Dean lit up. "I met someone, Sam." His voice was high, though it didn't bother Dean. He was too far up on cloud nine. Sam jumped out of his chair. "Who?" He demanded excitedly. Dean got a faraway look in his eyes, placing his head on his hands. "Castiel." His silky voice rolled the name off naturally. "The guy that showed me around school?" Sam asked. Dean thought for a moment. "That explains so much." He laughed softly. Sam smacked his arm. "You're a big dumb brother, you know that?" And just like he always did, Dean beamed at his brother. "So, how was your day?" He asked. Sam resembled a Christmas tree. "Gabriel loves me back!" He squealed girlishly. Dean laughed, hugging his little brother, who was taller than himself. "I love him so much, Dean. I can feel we're meant to be together." He whispered into Dean's neck. "I'm glad to hear it, Sammy." Dean smiled brightly.

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