Chapter 29: Please do not hurt me...

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Helena's P.O.V.

After my 'brawl' with Carly and Shannon I felt like a totally different person. I cannot say I know what got me to the point that I just wanted to rip their heads off besides them wanting to go after Ethan. Maybe the fact that they were rubbing it in my face that they wanted him. Even when he and I were together they always made it known they liked him and hated me. They were just fake about being my friend.

I know Ethan and I are not together and may never be again. It still does not mean that my feelings for him have subsided. It has only been three days that we broke up and I just cannot erase the fact that I still love him. No matter if knowing the truth of his cheating broke me in half.

I cannot stop who he dates or who he sleeps with from now on. Or even stop the slut twins from trying to be with him. What I can stop is letting them get to me every time they choose to call me names.

"How do you feel princess?" Kane asks from the driver's side. He has been quiet since I slapped him -- surprisingly. I really thought he would be rushing to his place to punish me like he would any other time.

"Really not sure. I have never fought before so I really do not know how to feel." Honestly telling him shrugging my shoulders.

"Hmm. Completely understandable. Your first fight usually leaves you in a daze. Until the next one."

"Next one?" Glancing over at him.

Stopping at a red light he looks over at me with a smirk. "From my experience once you fight, there will be another one coming your way soon after."

"I hope not though I would not mind beating Shannon and Carly's ass again. It actually felt good." I tell him truthfully. Those bitches had it coming.

Kane chuckles. "I am sure it did. How did it start anyways?" He asks as the light turns green.

"They went up to me and asked if they can go after Ethan since we broke up." Hearing him hum again surprising me by not blowing up on me.

"So, you got in a fight because they want to date him?" Asking calmly and the tone he is using lets me know that he is trying to really stay calm.

"No. I got into a fight because they called me plain and a whore."

"A whore?" He asks glancing over at me then to the road. "They should not be the ones to talk."

"Yeah, I know when they are the ones that had sex with practically the whole football team. They said that I let the Skullz run a train on me when I was a prude to Ethan. Apparently, that is the rumor that is going around the school since Eth--." Cutting myself off as Kane swerves the car to a parking lot wondering what he is doing.

Stopping the car, he puts it in park then turns to look at me. "Come here." He tells me seriously. Taking off my seat belt I maneuver myself over to the driver's side to sit on his lap just like he made me do the day before.

Positioning me to straddle him he cups the side of my face then sighs. "Princess. You are not a whore, not my crew's and definitely not mine. I already told you that I will never ever share you with anyone. Anyone who says otherwise deserves their asses kicked."

Nodding my head, I stare into his gray eyes that show emotion -- concern.

"Their asses were already kicked. Ethan included. No doubt he is the one that spread the rumor since that is what he told me at lunch time."

"What do you mean?" He grits feeling his tension.

Shaking my head, I look down. "Nothing, do not worry about it."

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