1.1 : rave

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"What's he doing here?" Scott asks as Isaac, Derek, and I walk through the doors of the Vet's.

"I need him." Derek deadpans, glancing around the dimly lit lobby.

"I don't trust him." Scott retorts. I roll my eyes at him and he shoots me a look back.

"Well, 'he' doesn't trust you either." Isaac sasses behind me with crossed arms.

"And Derek really doesn't care." He states firmly. "Now where's the vet, is he going to help us or not?"

"That depends," A voice comes from behind us, making me jump and whip around to see a bald, dark-skinned man standing in the doorway. "Your friend Jackson- Are we planning to kill him, or save him?"

"Kill him," "Save him," Scott and Derek say at the same time. Scott turns to Derek, giving him a mean look. "Save him."

Derek looks as if he wants to say something, but gives in with a reluctant eye roll. Scott turns to the vet and nods in finality, "Save him."

The man leads us to the back room and we stand around it, watching patiently as he puts down an array of bottles filled with different liquids in front of us. Isaac stands to my right, intrigued by the bottles, beginning to reach his hands towards them. I grab his wrist and yank it back before he can grab something, glaring at him.

"Watch what you touch." Derek instructs.

The vet begins lifting and examining the bottles. Isaac leans down on his elbows, watching the man with his signature smirk. "So, what are you, some kind of witch?"

"No," The man turns to Isaac with a bittersweet smile, "I'm a veterinarian."

Isaac makes an "O" face and nods, obviously feeling stupid. I flick the back of his head as warning for him to shut up, making him wince and look back at me guilty.

"Unfortunately I don't see anything here that would be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin." The vet sighs in defeat.

"We're open to options."

"Well what about an effective offense," I inquire, locking eyes with the vet.

"We already tried." Derek shakes his head, shooting me down immediately. "Argent emptied an entire clip into him, the thing just gets back up."

"Has it shown any weaknesses?"

"It can't swim."

"Does that go for Jackson as well?"

"No," Scott finally joins in the conversation, "He's the captain of the swim team."

"So essentially you're trying to catch two people." The vet nods. He walks back to his counter, shuffling around for something before coming back and holding out some kind of pendant. "A puppet, and a puppeteer." He sets it down on the table and begins to talk about the people that the kanima attacked before- A case that I knew minimal about. All of my prior knowledge of it was merely from things I've picked up during conversations. "One killed the husband but the other had to take care of the wife, do we know why?"

Everyone looks at another for answers, but none of us could provide them.

"I don't think Jackson could do that, though." Scott points out, scratching his chin. "His mother died pregnant too, she was maybe murdered. I don't think he would let the same thing happen to someone else."

"How'd you know it's not part of the rules?" Isaac furrows his eyebrows, "The kanima kills murderers. If Jackson kills the wife, then the baby dies too."

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