About me

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Soo.. I guess it would be a good idea to tell you about me? Yeah? Good cause you dont really have an option! 

Well my name is Maisie Carter and im 18 years old. I live in Miami. I have light brown wavy hair that comes down to about mid-back. I love my hair really. I always get my best friend Sienna to do it. She is training to be a stylist and she is amazing! I have piercing blue eyes and long lashes. I have 2 piercings on the bottom of each ear and one on my cartilage on my left. I love my piercings. I want many more. I have a tattoo on the back of my neck which is an infinity sign and one on my right wrist which is a ying yang sign. Zayn from 1D has one aswell, I love his tattoos. I guess he is alright. He was the one that got me inspired to get it. Im an average size, skinny and all. I wont blab on about that.

My best friend is Sienna Blake and she is absoloutely beautiful! Even though she will always deny it, she is one of the most gorgeous girls ive ever known. All the guys are after her and she is never single for very long. When Louis left I got bullied quite alot. I'd get punched, beat up, insults thrown at me left right and centre. Louis never knew about any of this. Hell he didnt bother to call so how would he know right? Right. I'd cry in the bathroom and end up missing classes cause of it. That was how I met Sienna. She was the only one who would stick up for me. She was a truly amazing friend. I couldnt ask for a better one. I love her to pieces. I guess she is all ive got, she is my everything. She has always been there for me. She was there for me when my parents died so I now have no one else. Yes my parents died. It was tragic and i blame myself everyday for it, well it was practically my fault afterall. 

Let me tell you about it... I still remember it like it was only yesterday.

It was Saturday 18th November. A lovely sunny day with the birds singing as usual. But it was a special day for my parents. It was their 12th anniversary. They never used to do anything because I was too young to be left alone and they could never find a babysitter but this year was gonna be different. I was gonna give them a surprise.


I peered through the creek in my door to see if anyone was awake. Yep sure enough, there in the kitchen, was my mum and dad having a smooch. Yuck. Time to break this up. They'll thank me later. 

"HELLLLO! THE QUEEN HAS ARRIVED!" I shouted as i jumped through the door, engulfing my parents in a huge hug.  "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!"

"Thank you darling" My mother said giving me a peck on the cheek.

"Yous are getting old! 12 years! Holy shiznicks!" I said snickering

"Oi! Weve got a while to go yet. Cheeky"  My dad said laughing.

"Anyways, mum c'mon! Hurry up and finish breakfast cause were going shopping!" I yelled making my way back to my room

"What? Why?" My mum said getting slightly confused.

"We need to get you a new dress for tonight! Ive got a surprise for yous!"

*End of flashback* 

I organised for them to go out and have an anniversary meal. They were delighted. My mother was so excited to get out and have some time with her husband.They never got that very often. Little did I know that it was going to be the worst decision ive ever made in my life. Thats when tradgedy struck,,.


My mum and dad had left about 4 hours ago to the restraunt. It now 11pm. It doesnt take that long does it? Nah they have probably just gone out and got a drink or got held up and lost track of time. Oh how wrong was I. I was starting to get worried as the clock had just struck midnight. They should have been home by now. No sign of them. Ive tried to call but it just keeps going to voicemail. Thats even weirder. My dad never misses a phone call as he always thinks its could be something really important. Thats when the house phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I said into the phone

"Is there a Maisie Carter there?" said the lady on the other line

"Yes this is she, may I ask who is calling?" My parents always wanted me to say that when someone asked for me on the phone.

"Im sorry to tell you this Miss Carter but your parents have been involved in a car crash and I think it would be best if you come down to the hospital as soon as you can. Its quite fatal" she said with some sadness in her delicate voice.

"W-what are y-you talking a-about?" I said stuttering. It couldnt be true.

"Do you have someone to drive you here?"

"No but i could get a taxi. Ill be there right away. Thank you" i said, tears pricking in my eyes. 

"Okay, be safe. See you soon Miss Carter" and with that, she hung up.

I crashed to the floor, bursting into tears. No. No. They cant be gone. They cant be. They have to survive this. Theyre strong. Theyre strong. Theyre strong. I kept teling myself everything would be alright.


They said my father died at the scene. It was a hit and run. How could someone do this, let alone just drive off?! I was crying my eyes out at my mothers bedside, wishing she would wake up. She had been put into a deep coma. They dont know when she will wake up, they say she may never. This is the worst pain ive ever been put through. I feel that someone has stabbed my heart repeatedly and then ripped it out. I cant live without my mum, ive already lost my dad.

"C'mon mum, you can do this. Please. For me. For dad. Please wake up" I pleaded, gripping her hand tighter.

Then.. i fell asleep sitting on the seat, holding my mothers freezing, lifeless hand.


I woke up to the loud continuous beeping of the heart monitor machine that was attached to my mum. Then about 7 doctors came running in. They tried to get me out but i was just standing there, frozen to the spot, looking at my mother, tears streaming down my already tear stained cheek. What made me come out of my trance was what one of the main doctors said.

"Death, 1:36am. Mrs Carter" 

W-what? No. No. NO! She cant be gone! I told her she couldnt leave me! She was the only thing i had left.. Now i have no one. What am I meant to do!?

*End of flashback*

Thats when I moved in with Jay, Louis' mother. We were very close and she was like a second mother to me. It was only after my parents died that I remembered the box Louis had given me before he left for the UK. Ive still never opened it. Im too scared to and I hate him now anyway. He just left me, like everyone else did. He didnt even bother to get in contact with me when he got put into that boyband. How could he? He promised. Thats when I met Sienna. She was my best friend now, not Louis. He has his new best friends. That doesnt include me. I guess that kiss meant nothing to him. Ha. Pathetic. 

So now Im moving to London. A new start. A fresh start. A new life with Sienna. And guess what? I cant fucking wait!

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