Dinner Date

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~Keep your heels, head and standards high~


Okay. Im going to be honest here. Im shitting myself about this date. What if it goes wrong? What if I knock over a candle and the whole place burns down? What if we have nothing to talk about? What if she doesnt like any food there? Ah fuck.

SHIT! Its 2pm and I havent made any reservations!

"Niaaaaall!? Where are the-ah fuck ouch ow ow" Shit that hurt.

"Well Louis, I dont know what a ah fuck ouch ow ow is so care to expand?" He says whilst stuffing his face with oreos

"No you dimwit. I was going to ask you where the car keys were but I tripped and stubbed my toe on the side of the couch"

"Oh right.. theyre....HERE!" he says whilst chucking the keys in my direction.

SCORE! I caught them...

I ran out the door and jumped into my car. I sped of to find a fancy restaraunt. Hmm theres a good one. 'The green garden' sounds fancy. I opened the door to the sound of a ding.

"How may I help you sir?" A guy with the name tag 'Chase' said standing at the front desk.

"I would like to make a reservation for 2 tonight at around 8pm"



"Perfect. Thank you sir. See you then"

Right. Thats that over with. At least I wont forget. No mess up yet.


Now all I need to do is wait till 7:30 to get Maisie from next door and drive to the restraunt.


I need help. I need to go shopping and buy a dress for tonight! Ugh I have nothing to wear!

"Sienna! Get your ass down here. We need to go shopping! I have nothingggggg!"

"C'mon girl, lets go!"

We ran out of the house fast and lightning. We dont have much time.


It took ages to find a dress that fit perfectly. There was too tight, too loose, too slutty, too bright. But finally Sienna came rushing into the dressing room and chucked a beautiful dress at me. I didnt think id be able to pull it off. But it was perfect. for once I actually felt pretty.

The dress I decided on was a black sequin top 2 in 1 skater dress. It has thin straps and hugged my waist to make it seem smaller. The stomach up was silver sequened and below was a flowy black lace material that came to just above my knee. I decided to top it off with my puzzle piece necklace and a pair of silver heels.

Sienna has just finished doing my hair and make up for me. She curled my hair and put it into a side updo and did natural make up. She gave me a smokey eye effect and a slight bit of blush and foundation and rounded it off with some plump lipgloss.

I put my phone and make up in my clutch bag just as the doorbell rang.

"He's here! Ill get it!" and off she went down the stairs.

I heard the door open and close and some mumbling but couldnt make out what they were saying.

I started to get nervous. What if he doesnt like it? What if i look weird and dont suit the dress? Sienna would have told me so I must be fine.

I slowly walk down the stairs, holding onto the bannister.  Sienna notices me first so she nudges Louis in the ribs and coughs. His head snapped up to me and his eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"Do-do I look ok-okay?" I stuttered. Does he not like it?

"Uh-wow. I mean yes. Maisie you look stunning"

I blushed and looked down biting my lip.

"Lets go" and with that, he took my hand in his and we walked out to his car.


Its 8pm. I better get going. My car was parked outside my house as she only lived next door so I didnt need to take it to hers. I nervously walked up to the door, sorting my tie anxiously and rang the door bell.

I heard shouting coming from upstairs and footsteps approach the door.

It opened to show a smiley Sienna.

"Hey, is she ready?" I ask

She smiles wider and lets me in.

"Yep! She will be down in a minute. She is beautiful. She will blow you away Lou"

He chuckled and said muttered "She always does"

I started looking around to occupy myself till Maisie arrived. Then Sienna nudged my side and coughed. My head snapped to the stairs and as I looked up, I saw a beautiful figure making her way down.

Wow. She is amazing.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. She started to look nervous and said "Do-do i look ok-okay?"

Does she look okay? DOES SHE LOOK OKAY?! She is the most perfect girl ive ever laid eyes on.

"Uh-wow. I mean yes. Maisie you look stunning"  I was speechless.

"Lets go" I said reaching for her hand. Gladly, she didnt pull away.

We walked out her door and went to my car.

I opened the door for her and she stepped in.

"Such a gentleman" she joked

I went round to the drivers side and hopped in. It was about a 20 minutes drive to the restraunt and that time consisted of us both singing along to the radio.

We pulled up outside and made our way in.

"Reservation. Tomlinson for 2" I said politely

"Ah yes, tomlinson. Ill escort you both to your table"

He took us to a private table near the back. Probably so the paps dont interupt us. They dont know we are here anyway.

We ordered our food and got a glass of champagne each.

There was no awkard silences or anything and we had a great night. She is still the girl I fell in love with 3 years ago.


I doubt he feels the same but this is the best date ive ever gone on and I think im going to fall very very hard for a certain Mr Tomlinson...

(A/N thank you! let me know what you like! please vote read and comment! love yas!)

Twitter - @VikkiLatimer

Kik - ride_or_diie

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