Finally Awake

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Its been a week and she still hasnt woken up! I dont know how much I can take of this. Its too hard for me and Sienna to watch.

I sit beside her, holding her hand silently. Suddenly I feel a squeeze. Did she just..? She cant have. Ive hardly slept, probably my brain messing with me.

Wait, there it goes again!

"Sienna! wake up! Its maisie!" I start shaking Sienna trying to her to wake.

"Wha-what?" She says whilst rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"She squeezed my hand! Twice!"

Then we hear a groan and a moan and see Maisies eyes twich. Slowly they open. She suddenly squeezes her eyes shut to re-adjust to the light and slowly opens them again.

"Maisie? Mais babe. How are you feeling?"

She realises its me and pulls her hand back and turns to face Sienna. This is gonna take alot of time to get her back.


I was so tired and for the first time in a week, i fell asleep.

I started having a dream. A weird dream. I was with Maisie and we were in a forrest. The light was shining through the branches and we ran through, dodging roots in the ground whilst holding hands.

We were laughing amd squealing with joy. She was so happy. So was I. It was great to see her like this again. Then her hand slipped from mine as she tripped over a root and started rolling down the steep hill at a fast pace.

"MAISIE!!" I screamed.

Then she stopped. At the bottom. Cuts and bruises all over her face. Not moving.

I started carefully walking down the hill till i got to the bottom. I was sobbing by this time. She has to be okay.

I put my 2 fingers to her neck and wrist...nothing. No pulse. She was dead. I knelt next to her, cradiling her body and rocking her whilst whispering soothing things in her ear. Praying for her to come back.

Suddenly I was being shook awake.

"Wha-what?" I said groggily.

It was just a dream. I was drenched in sweat and shaking. I couldnt get the image out of my mind though. I looked to my left to see Louis with a big smile on his face, holding Maisies hand whilst she struggled to open her eyes.

"Maisie?! Oh my god maisie"

She noticed louis and snatched her hand away harshly, he looked hurt but could understand why she did it. He really needs to explain.

"What happened?" she asked me whilst sitting herself up on the bed.

"You had a panic attack. Youve been out for a week"

"A WEEK?!" she exclaimed "Why is he here?" putting emphasis on thw 'he'

"Look maisie, I know what happened between you two and honestly I think you should hear him out and give him a chance"

Just as she was about to respond, a doctor walked in.

His name tag said 'Dr Martin' and he was holding a clipboard.

"Ahh hello Miss Carter. Great to see your finally awake. How are you feeling" he looked up for a split second.

"Erm just got a bit of a sore head. Apart from that im peachy"

He chuckled and said "Well if your alright then we can discharge you later today. If you would like to just change into your clothes and come to the front desk and sign some papers then that would be grand, dear"

"Yes thank you doctor" and with that he walked out.

"Ill give you two a minute alone" I said and walked out.


"Explain" she snapped, crossing her arms.

Here goes nothing....

(A/N hope you liked it! Please vote and comment and get people to read it! Let me know what you think!)

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