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I woke up to the smell of food. Yum. 

I stumbled into the kitchen to find a sleepy Harry leaning over the stove cooking breakfast.

"Hey Harry" I said making him jump.

"Fuck Mais, don't do that to me!" He panted putting a hand to his chest.

I chuckled "Sorry Haz"


Gah what's that noise?

I turned to see smoke filling the room. Shit!

"Shit" Harry cussed like he read my mind.

"Harry you idiot!" He burned the breakfast making the smoke alarm go off.

I stood on a stool with towel in hand waving it infront of the smoke alarm.



Everyone stumbled into the room with bed hair and rubbing their eyes. Wow slow reaction much?

"Whats going on?" Sienna sleepily asked.

"Harry burnt the breakfast making the smoke alarm go off"

"Hey your the one who scared me!" he pouted.

"Your the one who scared me" I mocked.

"Ugh ill make something. Move" Sienna said.

Well someones not a morning person.



I've got to say, Sienna makes a good breakfast.


Who puts a whistle as their message tone? Oh yeah, Maisie does.

Maisie took out her phone to read her message and suddenly her face paled.

Who is it and what did they say to make her so uncomfortable?

"Love, whats wrong?" I asked putting my hand on her shoulder.

She quickly stuffed her phone into her pocket and said "What? N-nothing"

"I know there's something wrong. You can tell me" I said gently.

"Just drop it!" and with that she stormed off. The sound of her chair legs across the floor making me wince.

The table grew silent and everyones eyes landed on me.

Truthfully, I was hurt.

So i stood up, grabbed my keys and walked out of the door.

I need some time to think.


We were all laughing and talking at the table when my phone suddenly whistled, signalling I got a text.

I pulled my phone out and noticed it was an unknown number. What the?

I clicked on it and read the message making me feel anxious.

Im coming. I told you I'd be back. ~J x

J? J as in Jason? No. It can't be. Please no. Its happening all over again...

Sienna is the only one who knows about Jason.


I'd just found out I was pregnant with my boyfriends baby.

I don't know what to do.

Will he be happy? Or will he lash out?

One things for sure, I don't want my abusive boyfriend around my baby. Ever.


It was 6pm and I was waiting for my boyfriend to come home from work.

I had set the table for his dinner.

The door opened and then slammed shut. In walked Jason.

"Hi honey. How was your day?" I asked politely with a smile. If im honest, I was shitting myself inside.

If I make one wrong move then he will hit me.

"Fine" He said bluntly.

He sat at the table and scoffed his food whilst i went out to hang the washing on the line.

I was nearly finished when the door opened and Jason shouted "Get in here you bitch!"

Shit what have I done?

I timildly walked in and met the angry face of Jason with my phone in his hand.

Aw fuck!

He read my texts!!

"What fucking boy have you been texting? Are you cheating on me you slut?!"

"N-no" I stuttered.

He grabbed a handful of my hair and dragged me to the living room where he repeatedly bashed my head of things, punched me, kicked me and shouted things to me such as " Slut, whore, worthless piece of shit"

He suddenly stopped and walked off.

I lay on the ground defeated as he walked back in with something shiny.

Shit he is gonna stab me.

He tauntingly walked over to me whilst grinning evily.

Then my worst nightmare happened.

He stabbed me.

In the stomach.

I know automatically that my baby was dead.

*flashback ended*

I hadn't realised I was crying until I rubbed my eyes.

The police were called that night and Jason was arrested.

How did he get my number?

I had indeed lost my baby that night.

I cried for ages.

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

"Go away!" I shouted, my voice cracking slightly.

Knock knock


"Mais, it's me. Let me in" It was Sienna.

I got up and unlocked my door and rushed back to my bed to cover my horrid face.

She rushed over to me and cradeled me in her arms and I cried.

"Babe whats wrong?" She asked soothingly.

I lifted my head to look her in the eyes. "Its Jason. He's out of jail and he's coming for me"

Her face dropped. Eyes wide and mouth open. Her hand flew to her mouth and she mumbled an "Oh my god"

FOLLOW MY TWITTER - @niall_craymofo)

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