Sore Loser

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~Say it loud, shout it out~


I woke up with a stiff neck. Ouch. I looked around me and saw that I was upside down and hanging off the bed. No wonder I had a bloody sore neck. How the hell did I end up like this?

I lazily walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I ran and hand through my messed up blonde hair, hoping to straighten it out but with no success.

I stripped off my clothes and turned on the shower. It was freezing so I jumped out and waited for it to heat up.

When it did, I entered again and started to wash my hair with shampoo.
I then started scrubbing my body with my favourite Lynx shower gel. It smells so nice, don't judge me okay?

I turned off the shower and stepped out into the cold air.

I quickly dried off and slipped on my clothes and my snapback.

I walked downstairs to see that Sienna was already up and was watching TV.

I checked the time and realised it was only 8am. Wow why am I up so early?

I sneaked up behind her and put my hands over her eyes.
"Guess who?" I said in a deep british voice trying to impersonate Harry.

"Ermm... George?"

I chuckled and removed my hands. i went round to the front of the sofa and snuggled next to her.

"Why you awake so early?" I asked

"Couldn't sleep" She replied

"Want any breakfast?" I asked whilst walking towards the kitchen.

"No thanks" she replied

"Suit yourself. More for me"

I got some eggs, bacon, hash browns and sausages and started making myself a fry up.

Hey, I need my food alright?

I cracked the eggs into the pan whilst I put the sausages in another.

I cooked the rest and put it all on a plate to serve up.

I sat at the table and started digging in. When I was half way through, Sienna came in and sat down next to me.

She looked beautiful as always.

"How about we go out today? Just us two?" I suggested

"What have you got in mind?" She questioned

"Bowling? Nando's?" I asked suddenly ecstatic about the idea.

"Yeah that sounds great!" She grinned.


"You ready to go?" I asked

"Yep. Let's go" She grinned grabbing my hand. We wrote a note for the others saying that we wouldn't be back till later tonight.

She looked amazing. She was wearing navy skinny jeans with a burgundy loose jumper. She had on her white converse, brown satchel and her sunglasses.   (PIC ON SIDE)

I parked the car in front of the bowling alley and got out and walked to the door hand in hand with Sienna.

We walked up to the desk, "1 alley for 2 please" I asked

"That'll be £15 please" I paid her the money and then went round to the other side to get bowling shoes.

"Size 7" I said whilst Sienna said "Size 6"

We got out bowling shoes on and headed over to Alley 9.


"YES! IN YOUR FACE! I'M THE WINNER! I'M THE WINNER" Sienna chanted in my face whilst I started sulking. She bloody beat me! This has never happened before! I am the bomb at bowling.



"Yeah yeah. I let you win" I said, lying.

"Pfft yeah right. Just admit your a sore loser"

I laughed at her choice of words as we walked to the car.

"Fancy some Nando's now?" I asked hoping she would say yes and I was craving!

"Yeah sure. But your buying" She winked

I chuckled and nodded before pulling out of the car park.

I turned the radio on and switched channels till a good song came on. I stopped on BBC Radio 1 and the song "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC just started playing. (ON THE SIDE BAR)

I knew Sienna loved this song so I left it on.

As it got to the chorus, Sienna burst out into song.


I chucked at her obnoxious singing. The song just finished as I pulled into Nandos.

I shut the car off, got out and grabbed Sienna's hand as we walked into the restraunt, the smell of chicken automatically filling my nostrils.

We sat down at a table and a waitress came over to us.

"Hello, my name is Leah and I'll be your waitress for today. Can I get you any drinks to start you off?" She smiled.

"Yes please, we'll have 2 cokes" I smiled back

"Sure, I'll be back in a moment" She then walked off.

We made idle chit chat before our drinks came back and we ordered food.

It was about 6pm now and I hadn't received any messages from the boys so I hope they got our note.

Our food came back fairly quickly and we greedily dug in. I was full by the time I'd finished my peri peri chicken and my large coke.

Sienna was just finishing her coke so I waited for her before I paid the bill.

"I had a lot of fun today. Thanks Niall" She said whilst leaning over the table to give me a peck on the lips. Sadly it was a quick one.

"Me too" I smiled.

Sienna finished her drink, eventually, and I paid for our meal and then headed out to the car.

We arrived home at about 7.30pm to find all the lights off. What's going on?

We walked through to the living room to see everyone on the couch watching a horror movie. Me and Sienna decided to scare them as they hadn't noticed us yet.

I gave her a look to see if she caught on. Thankfully she did and smirked before we tiptoed to the living room. I went behind Louis whilst Sienna went behind Maisie and they were cuddled up on the couch closest to us.


"BOO!" We shouted simultaneously.

"AHHHHHHH!" Louis and Maisie screamed and jumped off the couch, ending up high in the air, popcorn going everywhere,

By this time, when they had calmed down, Sienna and I were laughing our asses off on the floor. That was worth it, it was hilarious.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD GUYS, DON'T DO THAT TO ME! I COULD HAVE DIED MAN" Maisie screamed. This made me laugh even more!  

We chuckled and apologised before leaving then to watch the rest of their film.

We went up to our rooms.

"Goodnight" She whispered.

"Goodnight, love" I whispered back before falling into a deep sleep, dreaming about my amazing girlfriend.

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