I'm broken, do you hear me?

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That's what I am.




I haven't spoken to Louis since he found out about my parents. Neither has Sienna. He has tried to apologise to Sienna but she won't listen. Niall's pretty pissed at him too.

Well he did slap his girlfriend after all.

My depression is coming back. I haven't left my room and it's been 3 days. I only leave when everyone is out of the house.

I miss my boobear.

But i've lost him again and it's all my fault.

I should have told him.

I always fuck things up!

I let out another sob into my pillow.
All i seem to do is cry.

I've become terrible skinny aswell.

I self harmed again last night. My depression has come back worse than ever. It's killing me inside.

No one was in the house so I crept out and went downstairs.

I stopped dead in my tracks at the bottom of the stairs.

He was infront of me. He looked as bad as me. Broken.

"Louis" I whispered

He didn't answer me. Just turned away and walked off.
I walked after him, shouting his name.

I only now realised how much I really did miss him.

"Louis please" I pleaded

"Stop Maisie!" He shouted as he turned around to face me.

"You said I changed? Well your the one who changed! Your a selfish whore! No one will ever love you! Your worthless and you disgust me!" He shouted before he stomped away.

I stood there. Frozen. He has never said that to me. Suddenly all the memories of my abusive ex boyfriend came back. That's exactly what he said to me. He called me worthless.

I started crying and ran to my room. I took off my stop so I was only standing in my bra. I walked over to the mirror and turned around so I could see my back.

I moved the bra strap out of the way to see the word that would forever haunt me. It would always be with me. Horrible nightmares. It would always be marked on my skin.

In black cursive writing was the tattooed word that made my life hell.


That's what I am. It was tattooed on my back to prove it.

Jason forced me to get it. He even did it himself.

The tears streamed down my face at the memory. He had drugged me so I didn't know what was going on.

Then he marked me for life. No one knows it's there because my strap covers it perfectly.

I had totally forgotten it was there until Louis called me it.

Did he really mean all of it? Of course he did! He wouldn't have said it otherwise.

I put my top back on, tears streaming down my face once again.

It haunts me too much. It's taking control. It's eating me inside.

I have to end it.



"You wanting to come with us Lou?" Harry asked me

"No, i'll stay here" I said with a slight smile

Truth is, i can't smile.

I'm broken. All alone.

Sienna won't talk to me. Neither will Niall.

It sucks.

They left and I went into the kitchen to get myself a drink. I turned around to go back upstairs when I heard my name.

"Louis" she whispered.

Her voice. Oh how I've longed to her it. The angelic voice. The way my name slips of her tongue.

No. Shut up Louis. She betrayed you.

I didn't answer, just merely turned around and walked to my room.

"Louis, please" Her voice was so fragile and desperate. Like it would disappear at any moment.

I could hear the hurt evident in her voice when she spoke.

"Stop, Maisie" I said harshly
I didn't give her time to answer before my anger took over.
"You said I changed? Well your the one who changed! Your a selfish whore! No one will ever love you! Your worthless and you disgust me!"

And with that I stomped into my room and slammed the door.

I flopped down on my bed, only just realising what I said.

I didn't mean any of it. My anger just took over and it slipped out.

I probably made everything worse. Ugh!

Of course someone will love her. I love her!

But she broke me.

She isn't worthless and she is definitely not a whore!

I need to tell her it wasn't true before she does something stupid. i think I should just forgive her. I can't live without her!

I sighed and got up before walking over to her room.

I knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again. Still no answer.

Somethings not right.

I opened the door and walked in to find no body there.

I searched for her but she wasn't anywhere to be found.

She must be downstairs.

I was about to walk back down when I noticed the bathroom door was open.


I walked in and saw a body lying on the floor. An empty pill box in the left hand. Blood flowing from the head.

I was frozen on the spot.


She tried to kill herself.

Oh my god.

I rushed over to her and noticed the counter was covered in blood too.

She must have hit her head when she fell.

"Maisie!? MAISIE!" I frantically shouted.

It's all my fault.

I pulled my phone out and dialled 999.

"Hello 999, what's your emergency?"

"My friend has tried to kill herself. She took an over dose and she hit her head. It's bleeding! Please help" I was sobbing by now.

"Okay sir, keep calm. There will be an ambulance with you shortly, we've traced the call. Sir, is she breathing?" The lady said

I put my fingers to her wrist and neck.

My heart dropped

No pulse.

"No" I said

(CLIFFHANGER! OOOH! So I just wanted to say, if any of you are affected by this chapter then I'm sorry. If anyone is depressed or going through something similar then please feel free to message me!)

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