Getting to know the boys

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~Fall seven times, stand up eight~


So it's been just over a month since Sienna and I moved to London and honestly, I'm loving it. This city is so beautiful. The lights at night, the big red buses through the day. It's!

I heard that Niall and Sienna are together! Im so happy for them, they are so good together. The way Niall asked her out was just adorable! 

So i've officially fully forgiven Louis. Im glad I did because I really do miss him, he was my everything. We are just friends but right now I wish we could be more, I felt so much sparks in that kiss before he left 3 years ago. I just dont know if he feels the same. I hope he does...

We've all been getting along really well. I've learnt alot more about the boys and learnt what Louis likes now. He's hasn't changed much but he still humoured me.

I learnt that Louis is the carrot boy. I was so confused when he said that. The carrot boy? Original. He told me that when he was on X Factor, they did video diaries and he said as a joke that he liked girls who like carrots. It just kinda escalated from that.

Harry is the cat lover. He is also classed as the flirt. He is the youngest of the group. I find that so cute, you'd think Louis was the youngest with the way he acts but surprisingly its Hazza! I've never known someone who is as naked as much as Harry. Honestly, I'm scarred for life.

Niall is the wee leprechaun! The one everyone needs to look after. I found out that he loves food just as much as Sienna, that's why they are perfect for each other! His favourite colour is green, no surprise there. He has a brother called Greg, and he is the only one in the band who has a brother! Don't tell the others but Niall is close to my favourite ;)

Zayn is amazayn! He always knows what to say. Ive learned that he can be quite shy and stuff at times but when you get to know him, he comes out of his shell quite alot. He always says deep quotes, thats what I love about him. His tattoo's are sick! Especially the ZAP! one on his arm. I wish I could get one, maybe he could come with me!

Then last but not least there is Liam. Our daddy! He is definately the sensible one, never does anything extreme. But he does like to let loose now and then. His is a wee softie and will always be a shoulder for you to cry on. Our very own daddy direction!

I may have only known most of these boys but honestly, they have become my family. I love them all so much and would do anything for them. Just like they would do anything for me and Sienna. They are amazing lads and everyone loves them. No wonder they have so many fans.

Maybe moving here was the best thing that has ever happened to me.., just maybe, I might have a great family, right here, right now.

(A/N Im so sorry for not updating, if you were actually reading this but now ive updated! sorry if its shit but lately ive been busy and have had no idea what to write so if you guys have any ideas then please comment them, im begging you. If you comment then i can dedicate the next chapter to you! I love your sexy faces and ill see you next time I update! Follow my twitter too   @VikkiLatimer    byeeeeee!)

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