Work & Neighbours

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Its my first day at work and im really looking forward to it. I know its only Starbucks but c'mon who doesnt like starbucks? The smell is amazing. My shift starts at 9 and its only about a 15 minute walk from my house to there so i decided to get up at about 8am. Knowing Sienna she will still be asleep! 

I put my alarm on snooze and sleepily got out of my bed. I went into my en-suite bathroom and looked in the mirror. Wow I look a mess in the morning. I stripped of my pyjamas and took a shower. I then stepped out and dried myself off with a towel nearby. I put my wet hair up and went back into my bedroom. I did my make-up, just a little foundation, mascara and liquid eyeliner. I opened my huge closet and looked for something suitable to wear. We dont really have a uniform, we can wear anything as long as it is suitable and we get an apron and name tag when we arrive. I picked out some blue high wasted denim jeans along with a dark red brooklyn sports crop top. I then blowdried my hair because it takes AGES to dry by itself. I then straightened it and styled it like i normally do. 

8:40 am. Perfect timing. Just enough time to get there and not be late! For once. I grabbed my phone and keys and ran out the door, leaving a note for Sienna.

I opened the door to my new job and heard the ding of the bell signalling someone had come in. I walked up to the desk and immediately Evelyn recognised me. 

"Hiya Maisie, come on back and we will get your stuff and then ill show you the ropes"

I followed Evelyn through to the back and she handed me a green apron which was a bit long so i just folded up the end a bit. I had a white tag which said "New employee: Maisie". Evelyn was a really nice girl and we got along quite well to be honest. She showed me how to make alot of the drinks and handed me a marker. She said thats what to use to write peoples names on the cups. She then left me to get on with it. Oh look my first customer!

"Hi, what can i get you?" I asked politely

The blonde girl looked a bit slutty to be honest. She was wearing a really short top which showed off her slim stomach and pierced belly button. She had heaps of hairspray in her hair, you can see it from here! She was typing away on her pink princess phone with her perfectly manicured nails. She was wearing a tight skirt which near enough showed her ass and fancy stiletto heels. Ew. Whore.

She looked up to answer me and I froze. Unable to move, mouth agape. No! It cant be, why the hell is she in London?! All the memories are coming flooding back. When she realised who I was, she put on a myschevious smirk. 

"Well hello there maisie, long time no see huh?"

"You could say that. What do you want Penni?" I asked rather rudely.

'Penni?' you might ask, Well penni was my high school hell. She was my main bully, and actually she is one of the ones Sienna stood up to for me. She would have 2 of her 'girlfriends' follow her around everywhere and they would beat me up. Sometimes pretty bad. I still have a scar from one of the times she slashed me across the stomach with one of her heels. It hasnt gone away and scarred pretty badly. I hate her guts. She was the most popular girl in school.

"Hmm do you have anything thats non-fat, with no sugar or carbs?" Slut

"Water" I said sarcastically with no expression at all.

"Ugh whatever. Ill have a frappucinno" with that i turned around and made her stupid drink. I had to write her name but instead I wrote "Bitch" with a heart above the I, like she always used to do back in school. It was a terrible habit she had.

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly, a few bitchy and rude customers but also alot of lovely friendly ones. I didnt speak to Ashlii much but she seems a cool girl. We should all hang out sometime. Ill text them later, probably

I went home to find Sienna sitting in the living room watching How I Met Your Mother.


I woke up to the house being surprisingly quiet. Usually she would have been in my room, singing and jumping on me to tell me to get up and moaning about how lazy I am.

I walked down the stairs but no one was there. Where could Mais be? I walked over to the fridge and brought out a bottle of orange juice and started drinking it. I stumbled across a note that was taped to the TV. Really Mais? The tv? c'mon girl. Its read:

"Hey sleepy head! Just headed out to work, will be back by about 3. Have fun and dont empty the fridge! Love ya x"

How sweet. I guess Ill go eat. what? Im hungry okay.


It was about 5 pm and we had just finished dinner. Us lads heard that 2 new hot girls had moved in next door, we dont know who they are though so we decided to go introduce ourselves. Lets just hope they arent obsessed crazed fans. I hope they dont pass out or anything. That wouldnt be too good. Anyways back onto subject. We had just beed arguing for the past 15 minutes which 2 people will go and introduce first.

"I should go cause I have the best hair! Girls love the hair"   Zayn

"No! Girls love the curls!"   Harry

"Im irish! and cute!"   Niall

"Im daddy direction, everyone loves me!"    Liam

"GUYS!" I shouted and they looked at me startled, "Me and Niall will go okay? We will be back soon. C'mon Niall" I dragged niall out the door and across the lawn

Knock Knock.

But what I saw next, was something I really did not expect...

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