You saved me

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FOLLOW MY TWITTER - @niall_craymofo   


One minute we were fine, splashing about in the water and the next we are covered by a huge wave. It all happened so fast. I look around to try and find Maisie.

Niall...Sienna...Harry....but not Maisie.

Wait, that means..? No. Shit! She is still in the water!!

"GUYS, MAISIE IS STILL IN THE WATER" I shouted and then leaped into the viscious waves to save my girl.


I woke up spluttering water from my mouth and coughing rapidly. My head hurts so much, what happened? I opened my eyes to see 6 pairs of eyes staring down at me.

I touched my head and felt a sticky liquid dripping down. This is when I started panicking.

"Wha-what happened?" I said, still coughing up the huge amount of water I swallowed.

"Thank god your okay!" Sienna sighed

"A huge wave came when we were in the water and we got out and realised you werent here. So Louis went in to save you and found you unconcious and your head bleeding. You must have hit it on a rock or something. If it wasn't for louis, who knows what could have happened" Niall explained.

I turned to look and Louis and found him staring deeply into my eyes "You saved me" I mumbled

"Couldn't forget about my girl" He said. His eyes widened when he realised what he had called me.

My girl.

His girl.

I wouldn't mind being his girl if im honest.

"I-Im sorry I mean-I" he stuttered

I chucked and said "Its okay" and smiled weakly to show I didnt mind.

Then I realised everyone was still staring at us. Awkward.

I weakly stood up only to stumble sideways to have 2 warm arms wrap around my waist. They were Louis'.

"Woah there" he chuckled "We need to get your head checked out" 


So it turns out I only have a mild concussion but need to take painkillers for the next week as I have a major ass headache. It could have been worse though.

So here I am, sitting on the couch with everyone running after me. Jeez you'd think I was an invalid. I'm not complaining though, just means I don't have to move! Happy days.

"Mais, what do you want to eat?" I heard Harry shout from the kitchen.

"Pasta sounds nice" I shouted until I realised he had come into the living room and was now standing next to the sofa.

Oops. Might have burst his eardrums.

He just simply nodded and went back into the kitchen just as Sienna came and sat next to me.

"How you feeling?" She asked.

"Could be better I guess" I lightly chuckled.

"How about we watch movies? All of us?"

That sounds good. Maybe it will help me get my mind of things..such as Louis. I haven't stopped thinking about him since what happened earlier today. Speaking of Louis, I wonder where he is?

"Sure, sounds great" I smiled

"Yipee!" she cheered "Ill go gather the lads"

Harry entered the room with my pasta and sat next to me with a bowl of cereal.  Trust Harry to eat cereal at night, honestly. That boy.

The rest of the boys came into the room all cheering that we were having a movie night.



We had watched 4 movies which included Elf, Despicable Me 2, The Hangover Part 3 and Grease. I looked around to see everyone was asleep.

Wow, how did I not notice I was the only one awake?


I kept my eyes locked on Maisie's sleeping body, I loved how her hair flowed. How here eyes glistened. How her teeth show when she laughs. She is honestly perfect. Ive really missed her and I'm so glad ive got her back.

I just wish I could call her mine..


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