Goodbye Miami, Hello London

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So today is the day that me and Sienna move to London! I can't wait, I've never been so excited in my life! Well apart from when I got my barbie doll set when I was 5.. What? I really wanted it okay? Dont judge. 

My parents left me all their money in their will when they died. So I guess its fair to say ive got a good wad of cash stuffed away so Ive kinds got a big house. Im not complaining anyway! 

"Come on Sienna! Your hair is fine! Were gonna miss our flight!" I shouted to her as she checked her hair for the 20th time in the mirror. 

"Ugh fine, im coming! No need to be so stubborn woman!" she said walking off in a strop

"Oi! Come pick up your bloody suitcases ya lazy muppet. I've got my own" i said picking up my suitcases and heading for the door.

We had called a taxi to come and pick us up and take us to the airport. All our stuff was in a moving truck on its way to the UK. It should be there by the time we arrive. 

We got into the taxi and it only took about 20 minutes to arrive at the airport. We still has about half an hour to spare so we decided to go into a nearby Costa Coffee. I got a frappucino whilst Sienna got a blueberry muffin and a coffee. Ive learnt from the past not to eat before boarding a plane. Ill just end up being terribly sick. I got out my phone and used to free wifi that was available and checked my twitter. I dont have many follwers, only about 200 or so. I post a heap of boring shit anyway, not like anyone would be interested in it. But as im addicted to twitter I decided to tweet.

"@Mais_Carter: Just hanging in Costa with @Sienna_Blake at the airport whilst waiting to board the flight to London! Cant wait x"

"Flight 767 boarding to London, UK. Last call" said a very polite woman as her voice tanoyed throught the busy airport. Thats us then.

"C'mon Sienna, we better go before we miss the flight" I said as i dragged her from her half eaten muffin.

It was a 12 hour flight so I decided to get some sleep. I put my earphone in and pressed shuffle. True Love by P!nk came on. I slowly drifted off as Lily Allen started to sing her verse.


"Miss, Miss?"  I looked up to see a young lady in about her late 20's shaking me and Sienna awake.

"Yes?" I said groggily

"We're just about to land in the next 5 minutes" She said with a smile

"Oh. Thank you" I said whilst rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I slept all that time? Wow. 

We walked into the huge house that I had bought for us. Wow. I was speechless. I didnt actually know what it looked like so seeing it for the first time was gobbsmacking. It was a huge house quite close to one next door. It had 2 floors and a balcony on the back. It was next to the beach! I love the beach! Good job I brought a bikini with me. There were a couple deck chairs on the balcony. I got the keys out of my handbag and opened the door, dropping our things in shock. Its even bigger on the inside! It must be like a tardis or something? There is a wooden swirly staircase to the left and a living room to the right. It has 2 big leather couches and one single seat. There is a 50" TV hanging on the wall and a coffee table kinda underneath it. In the kitchen there is a big island in the middle. All the essentials are there such as an oven. fridge, freezer, kettle etc. There is a glass table with 6 seats around it.

Upstairs there is 2 bedrooms and a 2 bathrooms. The bathroom has 2 sinks and a bath on the left with a shower on the right. Obviously there is a toilet. If there wasnt then I might have to shit in the yard. Joking.. I hope. 

On the second floor there is 3 rooms all with en-suite's. This house is truly amazing and I love it.


Wow! This house was amazing! How on earth did Maisie afford this?! Well her parents were rich but I didnt think this rich!

"W-wow! Holy shit Maisie! OMG OMG I CANT BELIEVE THIS, YOUR THE BESTEST FRIEND EVER THIS IS AMAZING!" I said jumping onto the sofa after running around the house.

"I know! Its better than I expected!" she said

"c'mon, the moving truck has dropped off all our stuff. Lets get started! Its gonna be a long day!"

I better not get jetlag or I wont be a happy bunny...

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