London Girl

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So its been about a week since me and my bestie moved to London and if im being honest.. I FUCKING LOVE IT! OMG ITS HUGE AND SUCH A GOOD PLACE. I LOVE THIS FRIGGIN CITY. Rant over. 

The past week all we have really done it get settled in and i havent really gone anywhere.. apart from the local shop around the corner for food. I need food. Alot of it. I need to check out the nearby Nando's sometime. Its gotta be better than the one in America or I might cry. Anyway moving on...

I think it would be good if i go and find a job.. yep thats what im gonna do.

"Sienna!!! Where you at gurl?!" I shouted with my best impression of a gangster.

No answer.


No answer

"Sienna if you do not answer me and get your ass out of bed then i will burn all of your shoes and hair products!"

"IM UP IM UP! WHERE ARE MY BABIES?!" She shouted running towards me, frantically looking for her 'babies'.

"Im gonna go find a job, cya later. Give me a call if you need anything" and with that, i walked out the door only to be hit with the fresh air of London.

I walked down the main high street looking left and right for any shops that I can apply for. Nandos? Nah id probably eat all the food. Superdrug? Dont fancy that. New look? Nah id probably try on all the clothes. Starbucks? Starbuck. That sound decent. Lets go have a look.

"Hi what can I get ya?" said a girl, maybe about my age. She has long blonde hair and a little bit of subtle make up on. Not too much. She also has a pair of glasses that suited her quite well. She was wearing a green apron and a name tag which read "Evelyn". Thats a nice name :)

"Er I was just wondering if your employing anyone at the moment?" Dont mess it up!

"Actually yes. One of our workers just ended up in hospital after a fatal accident and is in a coma. We dont know when he will be awake. Would you like to apply?"

"Yes, that's be great!"   Score!!!

"Sure, just come on back and ill get you an application form. ASHLII! COME TAKE OVER FOR A BIT WILL YA?"

"SURE, COMING!" Yelled back a girl who im guessing is to be Ashlii. 

Ashlii was your average skinny girl who would be like the popular one in school, but she seems nice enough. She had a bit more make up on than Evelyn did but it quite suited her. She has dyed red hair just below her shoulders and a fringe.

"Im Evelyn. Nice to meet you.."

"Maisie" I said with a smile

"Ahh maisie. Well here is your application form. Ill leave you for 5 minutes to fill this out"

"Thank you so much" and with that, she walked away.

Right.. where to start. Err name. Well thats easy. Maisie Carter. D.O.B. 19th May 1993. Easy as pie. After a load more questions that were reasonably easy to answer, Evelyn walked back into the room. Perfect timing.

"You finished?"

"Yep, just in time" I handed her the sheet and pen.

"Well it seems like this is all legit so i guess you can get the job!"

"Really? Oh thank you"

"No bother. When can you start?"


"How does tomorrow sound? You can have your first shift then. Be here for 9am and you shift will finish at about 3pm. You will be on with me and Ashlii. See you then"

"Thats perfect! Thank you again! Goodbye"

As i walked out the door i heard the ding of the bell. Then suddenly my phone started ringing. I looked at the Caller ID. Sienna. Ugh what does she want now?

"Hello, youve reached dunkin donoughts. Can I take your order?" I said trying my best to sound like a guy from the store

"Err i think ive got the wrong number.. sorry"

"Sienna wait! Im just kidding with ya. What do ya want?" I said as i burst out laughing.

"Maisie, dont do that to me! You know how gullable i am! Anyways i kinda broke my straighteners so do ya fancy doing me a biggggggg favour?" she said as she dragged out the word big.

"Yes ill go get you new straighteners"


"Yes yes i get it, goodbye sienna.

Looks like I need to go into the nearest hairdressing store. Oh what a surprise, there is one at the end of this street. I started walking down the street when i saw a heap of girls all in a circle, screaming their heads off. Whats going on here? I can barely hear myself think!


There are heaps of girls here! Where the hell is Paul?! Oh wait, there he is. Nevermind. Rant over. We tried to go for a bit of shopping but SOMEONE *cough* Niall *cough* decided to tweet where we were and now were getting mobbed! Oh look were getting into the car now. Thats that shopping trip cut short.

"Where's Niall?" I asked as i looked around the car to see only 3 of the lads.

"HERE! God that makes me so claustraophobic" Niall said as he entered the car panting

We finally arrived home after Niall repeatedly apologising, Liam telling the driver to slow down, Harry showing pictures of this new hot chick and Zayn moaning that he needed his hair products and mirror before died. So over dramatic. Me? Im never dramatic. Just sassy. They dont call me the sass masta from Doncasta for nothing

"WHO THE HELL ATE MY NUTELLA?!" My eyes wandered the room and landed on a guilty looking Niall. You cant get mad at that face, C'mon. Just look at it. Too cute.

"Im going out, anyone want anything?" I asked

"Get me a new mirror will ya?!" Zayn shouted from the bathroom. Him and his mirrors.

"Yes zayn ill get you ANOTHER new mirror. Bye!" i was just about to walk out the door when Liam shouted at me to remember my disguise so i wouldnt be recognised. It wasnt that good but there was alot of people who didnt know it was me.

I was just about to walk into the hairdressing store when a beautiful girl walked out. Me being as clumsy as I am, didnt notice and bumped right into her

"Oh my gosh Im so sorry!" she said picking up the box she dropped

"No really its my fault, i wasnt looking where I was going"

As I looked up, i froze. No. Wait what? It cant be. Can it? I thought she was still in america. Wow she is amazing. She is go pretty now. I havent seen her in 3 years. She has changed alot but id recognise her anywhere. Maisie. I was standing infront of Maisie again. ive missed her so much. I just stood there, gaping mouth but no words coming out. I must have looked like such a loonie.

"err im gonna go now. Sorry" she said as she put her head down. Probably freaked out about me staring.

How could she not recognise me? She was my Maisie. My best friend. My everything. But I lost her. And you know what? It was all my fault.

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