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I'm sitting here. At Maisie's bedside.
Staring at her cold, still body. She looks so pale. She looks dead.

They say she was lucky.

Ha! Lucky?

Lucky is winning the lottery. This isn't lucky.

I called the boys and told them what happened.

They said they'd come to the hospital later.

So here I am. By myself.

I blame myself. Totally and utterly.

Who else is to blame?

No one.


I can't sit and stare at her pale body any longer.

I've been thinking for a while.

I think it would be good to get away from everything for a while.

I need to see my family and get some space.

I can't stand to know that this is all my fault.

I stood up and walked over to the bedside cabinet.

For some reason there was a pen and a notepad in it. I'd found it earlier.

I took them out and started to write.

My mind was blank.

What am I meant to say?

So I wrote the only thing that came to mind.

I'm sorry

I knew the boys would be out today so now was my chance to pack my bags and leave.

This holiday was just going downhill.

It was such a bad idea to come here.


I looked back at the house in London that I wasn't going to be seeing for a while.

I locked the door and got into the taxi that I had booked.

"Train station please"

The driver nodded and started driving away.

I leant my head again the cold glass window and watched as I got driven through the London streets.

The pitter patter of rain started to sooth me into a relaxing mode.

It's for the best.

I never meant for any of this to happen.


Knock Knock.

The door swung open and there stood the woman I had grown to love.

The woman who helped me through everything.

The woman who was always there for me.

The woman who is my hero.

The woman who gave birth to me.

My mother.

"Louis!" She squealed and dove into a hug.

I wrapped my arms around her petite waist and snuggled my head into the crook of her neck.

I could feel her trying to pull away but I just kept her there.

I didn't want to let go.

She realised there was something wrong.

"What's wrong honey?" She asked soothingly.

That's when I lost it.

I started sobbing into her shoulder.

"I'm a terrible person mum" I said

"Oh boobear, no your not. Come in and tell me all about it"

I nodded and let go before she helped me in with my suitcases and made one of her famous Yorkshire Brew's.

I explained everything.

From seeing Maisie again to the holiday to her parents dying to her trying to commit suicide.

I just let it all out.

My mother is the only person I can let loose with.

She is the best.

She gave me a hug and whispered reassuring words into my ear.

"It's going to be alright, love"

She started rubbing my back.

Something she did when I was a baby. It would always calm me down.

"How long are you staying?" She asked.

"As long as it takes" I said looked into her hazel eyes.


We had just come back from swimming with the rest of them.

We decided to pay Maisie and Louis a visit. He told us everything.

It broke my heart to see him so distraught.

He really cares for Mais, deep down.

I kept my arm securely around Leah's waist as we walked to the reception of the hospital.

"Maisie Carter" I said

The lady nodded and told us which room before we set off.

112, 113, 114....

118! Found it!

I knocked on the door and entered, all the others trailing behind me.

Maisie looked terrible.




Why would she do such a thing?

Then something clicked.

Where's Louis?

"Guys, where's Louis?" I asked looking around.

I noticed Leah beside a bedside table with a note in her hand.

"He's gone"

Made to remember (Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now