Round 6

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#1-Just plain wrong.

This week I'm talking about really bad categorisation. If your story has nothing to do with Romance or Sci-fi why would you put it in there? This rant was brought to you because of the horror category. There are so many stories in there that really have no place in there at all. I'm talking about completed stories here so I don't want to hear any of the "How do you know it doesn't get scary later?” bull.

I admit that it can be hard to categorise a story if it isn't a romance or teen fiction but come one! Some of you just take the mick. Talking about taking the mick and teen fiction, I have been seeing a lot of stories that should relaly be in the teen fiction category that are saved under non teen fiction. I know that you want to get more reads but there is a better way to do it. Stop being a nuisance to my day. That goes for you people who put BoyxBoy in the title of your story when your story hasn't got anything or little to do with homosexual relationships. We all know how popular BoyxBoy stories are but it doesn't mean that you should feed off the popularity. There are a lot of people who have worked hard in that category and it isn't right for you to take away their glory with your false advertising.

I'm getting a bit off track here. Anywhore, also in the rant is bad or lack of research. This really annoys me. Like when people have untrue "facts" in their stories. It's fine if it's fantasy or sci-fi because you can practically write any old bull in there and it'll be all good but otherwise don't do it.

Also if you're doing a historical fiction I cannot stress how much you need to get your facts right because historical fiction fans will hunt you down if you have just one thing false so watch out. 

#2 Bad endings.

I know that people like to end things differently. Some people like to end things the fairy-tale way (and they all live happily ever after) or they're like me and they like to end things realistically (life's shit get used to it) but there are just some people who end things really badly.

I know that some people like stories that leave the reader with ten million and one questions in their head but I'm pretty sure that there is a larger number of those, who like me, like to have their questioned answered. A good example of a badly ended book is Lord of The Flies. That book ends awfully! I'm not just ragging on this book because we've had to do it for Lit for the past two months I'm ragging on it because it has to be the most annoying book in the world. Although the book is actually good in a way because it's very realistic. I'm pretty sure if a bunch of us from school got stranded on an island things would go the same way as it did for the boys in the book.

IM GETTING OFF TOPIC. What I was trying to point out was that the book ends badly leaving me with that one question: WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?

It doesn't even have the audacity to include an epilogue!

You know what? I've forgotten what I wanted to say about this topic so erm.. yeah.


#3 Stupid words.

This is going to be short and simple. For the love of God and all things sane please do not write the following.

Example 1:

Wow, jenny is so pretty she's just so wow.

Example 2:

Jeeze, when will he get off my back?

Example 3:

OMG what is he wearing?

Do not use the words: wow, jeeze and OMG in narration. They should only be used, if you really have to, in dialogue only because when you use them in narration your writing looks unprofessional and, sorry to be blunt, stupid.

# 4 Introductions

How you introduce your characters is so important. When you introduce them you shouldn't give a full blown description about them (if you're writing in 1st person) because it sounds stupid and childish. You should reveal their physical appearance gradually and their personality through their actions or use of language.

Example one.

Jenny, my best friend, and I were sitting in the car. 

"I'm sick of having brown hair, I want to go blonde!" she exclaimed suddenly.

Or something along those lines. From this simple sentence you find out that Jenny has brown hair.

Example two.

I could feel Rachael's gaze on the back of my neck. When I turned around to face her, she gave me a scowl and turned away.

Or something like that.

From this we can see that Rachael is a cruel/ person.

LOL! I sound like a scientist or something like that.


#5 Said, said, said.

The last thing on my list is the overuse of the word said. I don't know why it bothers me but it does. When you use said all the time it shows a lack of vocabulary. I know that sometimes nothing else will sound right other than said but that's not always the case. Just to help you out I'll give you a list of words you can use other than said. Aren't I nice?

add, affirm, allege, announce, answer, assert,break silence, claim, come out with,

communicate, conjecture, convey, declare,deliver, disclose, divulge,

do, estimate, express,flap, gab, give voice, guess, imagine, imply,

 jaw,judge, lip, maintain, make known, mention, opine,orate, perform, 

pronounce, put forth, put intowords, rap, read, recite, rehearse, 

relate,remark, render, repeat, reply, report, respond,reveal, rumor, 

speak, spiel*, state, suggest, tell, utter, verbalize, voice, yak

There you go, easy peasy!

-x- AN -x-

Hey guys, I'm running out of things to say so if you have anything you hate about writing/ Wattpad please do tell me :)


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