Hey, Tiye13

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1.     Hello!  Who is you?

 I am the illustrious Tiye13 aka Smexy platypus.

2.Noice, I like it! How did you get it?

Just my name and age clustered into one nothing special although I am named after a kick ass queen hehehehe :D

3. How very royal of you. How did you meet the fat man?

WHO TOLD YOU ABOUT THAT MEETING !!! That was strictly between me Santa and a few nameless ninjas!

4. You should know by now that I have my ways… o_O what’s that squirrel doing in your bathroom?

There's a squirrel in there? *sighs, grabs sledge hammer* Not again

5. Don’t kill my baby mudder asshole! How did you meet my mum?

 It was a warm november day, I was in bed with my nook when she started throwing skittles at me yelling "TASTE THE RAINBOW" Nice woman.

6. That sounds just like her <3___<3        So what’s up?

Playing with the squirrels mangled body blissfully unaware about its impending doom.

7. O_o…. So, erm, where is your dream vacation?

 California. Where I live its always freezing AND WE NEVER HAVE SUN!!!!!

But I'm not bitter.

8. Sure you’re not… How many fingers do you have?

No fingers silly, silly man. You have none

9. Lies! You just can’t see them! Worst hear decision?

Because I have locks you'd think I wont have many but in grade school I threaded pipe clearners in them. NOT a good look

10. LOL! I want locks. What’s the best thing in the world?

 Shoes. I have a shoe fetish

11. Don’t we all. What’s your favourite animal?

A mudskipper. Those motherfuckers are awesome!

12. Yes, I totally know what one of those is… I have some popcorn but I don’t want to give you any… Whatcha gonna do?

 I am so hungry I'd probably mug you for the popcorn.

13.  You don’t have the guts! What’s the future career for you then, Kiddo?

Write (because I love it) model (cause I'm 5'11) and become a biochemist. I have won so many science fairs its ridicules and I take pride in my nerdiness. Terriable spelling tho. I also loveeeeeeeeeee cooking.

Wow, you have the whole world if front of you. Good Luck!

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