It's a blunder!

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Hey you guys, I'm scared that I might be running away from the main focus of this "thing so this "chapter" is going to be solely blunders only! Sorry to you interview only lovers but I don't really give a hoo ;)

Anywhore, let’s get to it.

#1 Repetition

I've probably ranted and ranted about this before but it really annoys me. There are so many things posted on Wattpad that are the same as 1000 other things posted on Wattpad. I know that not everyone has a great imagination but that doesn't mean that you have to copy something that has been done 20 million times. Everyone, whether they believe it or not, can write something original. The one thing a writer should remember is to write what you know. This means write something you have experienced or been influenced by because it will help you to be different to Tom, Dick and Harry.

Wait; let's get away from this seriousness for a second. Could somebody please tell me what the phrase Tom Dick and Harry means because I'm forever using it even though I have no idea what it even means...

Back to business now....

Never mind I've lost my train of thought. What I'm trying to say is that you should add originality to your story. There are enough stories that revolve around:

1. Werewolves

2. Vampires

3. Student/ teacher relationships

4. Bad girl and good girl/ boy relationships

5. Falling for your enemy

6. Falling for your best friend

and most importantly... 

7. Falling for your sibling because that is just nasty (No Offence to those who are into that )

because there already enough of them, we don't need yours no matter how "different" you think it is to the others because chances are that it actually isn't.

#2 Lying to get reads

We've all been on the SYS (Share Your Story club) and I bet that each of you have advertised your story offering something in return for people to read your story. Whether you actually returned the favour or not is a different story.

I know that some of the stories get a bit much and are not your type but you should make that clear to people. It's not fair for people say "Read my story and I'll read yours too and vote" when they have no intention of reading the stories. It's selfish and mean.

This was a really bad rant because I am very guilty of this but it's only because I don't like the story. If it's a good story then I'll read it but as you all know I am very picky with a story. The first sentence is what determines whether I read on or whether I hit back up. If your first sentence sucks then don't expect me to read on.

#3 Posting your story on other people's walls. (This was suggested by cookie- xxWhoAteMyCookiexx)

This is pretty self-explanatory. Who the heck do you think you are doing this? It's not at all nice or whatever. Chances are I'm going to delete the post before I even finish reading it. 

What I hate the most is those people who think that because they've read your stuff that you are obliged to do the same for them.

Douchebag: Hey, I've just read your story ***** so can you read mine

Me: -_-'

Erm, no it doesn't work that way. I didn't ask you to read my stuff so why should I read yours? Bitch please.

What also annoys me is when people fan you and expect you to fan them back. Once again I didn't ask you to fan me so why do you think I should fan you. Bitch please.

My point is that if you are not my fan and I'm not your fan nor have I ever been don't ask me to read our story on my message board. If my reading of your story is that important please by all means send it to me by Private message otherwise don't bother.

Aaaaaand scene ;)

I'd missed the Blunders! Give me more ideas so that I can continue my rampages!

The interviews will continue after this J

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