~*~Chapter 3- Ticci Toby~*~

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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up again a few days later. Slender gave us a few days of rest. But today we have to find another proxy. Well, the last proxy. The rest will just be here with us. On our side.

"H-hey (Y-Y/N)?", a shy voice stuttered. "Y-your dad wants y-you to come d-downst-tairs f-for breakf-fast." It was Hoodie.

"Sure Hoodster. Tell him that I'll be right there.", I said, walking to my bathroom.

"O-ok.", Hoodie replied, and I heard him walk down the stairs. Sighing, I showered and got dressed, then went to the kitchen, where I was greeted by 2 cheerful proxies and my dad.

"Good morning, Child. Don't forget, you have to find Toby today.", Slendy said, pushing a plate full of eggs and bacon to me. I nodded, my mouth full.

"Sure, Dad. And we already gots da info. Come on boys, let's go.", I said, pushing the now empty plate back to Slender.


"S-so, where are w-we g-going exact-ly?", Hoodie asked, pulling at his hoodie. Masky silently walked beside him, hands deep into his pockets.

"Wellll... Slenderp predicted that this Toby dude was going to go insane today... and we have to catch him before he runs off or gets captured.", I replied, looking at the packet. Both masked buys nodded silently, and I mentally groaned. Sometimes I wished that they weren't always so quiet.


A boy with tousled brown hair stood in front of a flaming house with 2 bloody hatchets in his hands. Silently, the proxies and I watched him. He had an insane smile on his face. "I-I *tic* did it! They're f-finally *tic* gone! I c-can l-live in p-peace now.", he said.

"Hello, Toby.", I said, stepping out of a bush, twirling my dagger in my right/left hand. He spun around, startled.

"I-I didn't *tic* k-know anyone was *tic* t-there...", Toby said sheepishly. He had orange goggles and a mouthguard on. Masky and Hoodie slowly rose out of the bush as well. "O-oh. I d-didn't *tic* know that I-I *tic* had an a-audience.", he stuttered.

"Heh... Well, our boss wants you to join us. Become a creepypasta with us. Be happy.", I said, extending my hand out to him. Toby looked back at the burning house, then at us. He slowly took my hand, and we all made our way back to the mansion. He talked all the way there. And he isn't a quiet person.

"D-do you like *tic* w-waffles? I-I *tic* like w-waffles. They're f-freaking amazing! *tic* A-and the o-one *tic* thing that I-I've always *tic h-hated was c-cheesecake. (Masky and Hoodie gasped at that). BLAH BLAH BLAH DHXUFCNUIHCDESHZX." I didn't listen to the rest.

When we got back to the mansion, Slendy looked at Toby. He seemed satisfied with him. "Good job, Masky, Hoodie, and (Y/N). I see we have a new member of the family.", he said.

"H-hello, M-Mister *tic* Slender. I-It's a *tic* p-pleasure t-to meet *tic* y-you.", Toby said, eagerly putting out his hand for Slender to shake. Slender shook it, uneasily.

"Toby... Are you going to be able to go on killing sprees? You seem... awfully cheerful, child.", Slenderp said. Toby rolled his eyes and said yes. Well, duh. "Let me show you to your room... ", Slendy said, leading Toby upstairs. Toby fell asleep as soon as he fell onto the bed.

"Children...", Slendy said. "In a few days, maybe a week, you are going to find another creepypasta. Maybe. His name is... Jeff. He is in the hospital... and he may have just gone insane." He sounded cool. We all nodded, and prepare for training with Toby tomorrow.

"Um... Dad?", I asked. I had to ask him a question.

"Yes, child?", he replied.

"Are there going to be any... you know... girls in this family? Besides me?", I finished. Because I REALLY didn't want to be the only girl.

"Of course, child.", Slender said, and I think he was smiling... It's hard to tell. Since he don't got a face.

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