~*~Epilogue- Eyeless Jack's Ending~*~

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(Y/N)'s POV

It was EJ. The quiet, bookworm cannibal was now laying on the ground, motionless. I screamed and ran over to EJ. "EJ... Are you okay?!", I whispered anxiously. A quiet, kind of demonic voice replied.

"Hey... (Y/N). I... I think I'm okay...", he rasped, and he tried to clear his throat. I tore off a peice of my long cardigan and tried to stop the bleeding. It barely made a difference. "Hey... Don't do that...", he said, wincing. I stopped immediately, and he went limp. I started to cry, knowing what his fate was.

"How sweet! And fucking pathetic.", Zalgo said, starting out with a sweet voice and ending with a dark, demonic one. I felt a shiver go down my spine and I held EJ's body closer to me. His red eyes glared at me, and I whimpered quietly. I decided to do something. It wasn't a very smart plan, but I couldn't care less. The love of my life was dead, and I wanted to do something about it.

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!", I screeched, and I grabbed my dagger and lept at Zalgo. I chopped off small bits of flesh, but it didn't do anything. He lifted me into the air and then threw me across the room. Blood seeped from my head and I felt like my body was on fire. Oh wait, it was. I thrashed around wildly, trying to get the fire off. It had no success.

I took deep breaths and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Zalgo approaching me. Probably to fucking kill me. Luckily, I saw Dad behind Zalgo, his tentacles dripping with black blood. He stabbed Zalgo through the chest and Zalgo screamed and dissolved into a fine, black mist. I breathed a big sigh of relief, and then Slender ran over to me.

"Are you okay? Are you injured, child?!", Slender asked frantically, checking me for any major wounds. I chuckled weakly and nodded, indicating that I was okay. The fire went out and I sighed in releif. I wasn't burned too bad. Just then, I remembered EJ. I gently touched his face, and he took a deep breath.

"Oh, gosh. Pretending to be dead is BORING.", EJ exclaimed, and I sat there in shock. He was... Alive?! I hugged him, sobbing tears of happiness, and he hugged me back. I pulled away, and he planted a soft kiss on my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too, EJ.", I said softly, and then I heard a scream.

"OMG! EJ is talking?! And kissing (Y/N)?! What the hell?! EJ, is that really you?! GUYS, YOU HAVE TO FUCKING SEE THIS! I'M NOT LYING!", Jane screeched, and the rest of the pastas came into the bloody battlefield and saw me on EJ's lap, and Slender making a face at us.

"Holy shit...", Helen said, running a hand through his tangled black hair. Jane perked up.

"OMG! HELEN CUSSED! HE CUSSED! HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING TODAY??!!!", Jane screamed, and a I laughed softly. Slender grumbled something to himself and teleported us all home.

When we got home, everyone started questioning us about the relationship. I laughed at EJ, who was silent and not answering. He apparently didn't want to say anything... Not that surprising. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to his bedroom. "Fuckers can't shut up.", he grumbled, and I kissed him and tended to his wounds... He was bleeding everywhere. Seriously. Poor Slender... He has to clean it up...

"I love you."

"Love you too."

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