~*~Chapter 19- Plans For Battle~*~

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Slender's POV

Eveyone crowded around me, trying to get a certain role in the battle.

"I wanna rescue her!"

"I wanna stab cameras!"

"I wanna kill that bastard, Zalgo!"

"I wanna hack into the cameras to see how sexy she looks right now!"

"I wanna draw a disturbing picture, then show it to Zalgo until his eyes fall out!"

"Children, calm down. I will assign roles to who I think deserves them, and to who I think will do the job the best. So please stop, I will tell you what you will do.", I said wearily, and they all eventually settled down, and I began. "BEN will hack into the cameras to see where she is. Jane and EJ will try to distract the demons at the front, then knock them out and sneak in. Masky, Hoodie, Toby, you will fight off any servants or demons that you see. Helen, Kagekao, Liu, try to get to (Y/N), and if you can't, fight off demons. LJ and Jeff will try to get into the room once BEN tells us where she is, and they will try to fight off the army in there. Clockwork and Sally will keep watch at the front, to make sure that no one interferes. Lost Silver, Smile, Grinny, and Puppet will help me fight Zalgo. And it's pretty clear what I'm doing. If all fails, retreat. Whoever that can reach (Y/N) will save her, but stick to your jobs and do them first."

"I always get sucky roles.", Clocky muttered, and she sharpened her dagger to take her anger out. Everyone else seemed pretty happy with their roles and high five one another. I was nervous... I hope that we can save her.

"Daddy? What if when we get there, (Y/N) isn't... Alive?", Sally asked, and tears rolled down her pale cheeks. I froze. What if. What if. I looked down at her, and stroked her soft hair.

"I'm sure that everything will go fine... And that (Y/N) is doing good. She is a strong girl... She will survive.", I said softly, and Sally wiped her tears and sniffled. She smiled a watery smile and sat down on her pink stool, trying to stop crying. She was a brave 8 year old.

I sighed he'd and rubbed my temples. Everyone had stopped cheering and was oddly silent. If (Y/N) was here, she would have broken the silence by saying something funny... Or laughing for no reason. Without her, this family isn't complete. Without her, we're all lost and confused. It's like having your sight taken away suddenly. You can't see and keep bumping into things. Without her, we will keep bumping into problems like they're walls.

"Jane... Do you think she's okay?", Clockwork asked quietly. I saw Jane wipe her eyes and nod quietly. Clockwork gripped the chair and her lips were tight. Everyone was tense in the room.

Black, gooey tears ran down EJ's mask, and he started to sob silently. He ran to his room, and sobs racked his body. Jeff and basically everyone else stared into space. She was like our gravity, what kept us from going completely insane. She kept us down to earth. And without her, we will all go into space and get lost. No matter what, we miss her.

"W-when should w-we g-go?", Silver asked, and I straightened up.

"The sooner the better. Stop moping around, everyone, and grab your things. Let's go save (Y/N).", I said, and we all stalked out the door, weapons in hands and wind blowing through our hair. Well, their hair.

"And remember, stick to the plan, everyone!", Masky called out. Everyone groaned.

"WE FUCKING KNOW!!!", they all yelled at him. I chuckled, and Masky scoffed and walked alone. Everyone else walked in a large group, nervously talking about what they thought was going to happen.

"Zalgo is gonna FUCKING DIE!"

"We're gonna lose..."

"I want my cheesecake..."

"We are gonna win this shit!"

"I really shouldn't have eaten that burrito."


"I wanna kill Mister Zalgo! He took my tea party friend!"


"Why do you all say bad words?..."

"Fuck, shit, bitch, ass, whore, slut, hell-"

"Stop it, you ass."

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