~*~Chapter 6- Eyeless Jack~*~

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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up as sunshine streamed through the windows. I tried to move, but Toby's arms were wrapped around me. "Uh...Toby?", I said uneasily.

"*tic* Wha?...", he mumbled, still half asleep. I rolled my eyes and motioned to his arms around my waist. His eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets and he quickly unwrapped his arms and started apologizing immediatly.

"S-sorry *tic* (Y-Y/N)! S-sorry! *tic* Sorry! D-don't hate m-me!", he cried.

"Dude... It's ok.", I said. And he stopped apologizing and blushed. Then he meekly went to his room. I sighed and walked into the kitchen, looking for something to eat. Waffles. Yep. That sounded good. I started making waffles, and Toby came tumbling down the stairs.

"I s-smell w-waffles!", he screeched. Then he grabbed the waffles from me and started eating them. After about a minute, he realized that he was eating my waffles and sheepishly handed the empty plate back to me. I groaned and ate cereal instead. He apologized and went up to his room again. After that, I decided to watch some TV. I turned the TV on, and the news was playing. There was something strange... so I continued to watch. There was a man who died last night, and his kidneys were missing. I decided to report this to Slenderman. This might be a future ally.

"Hey, Dad!", I called. Slenderman teleported from his office to the living room, where I was currently watching TV, alone.

"Yes, child?", he asked.

"Well... Look at the TV.", I replied. He looked at the screen and gasped. He saw the kidney stealer... named Eyeless Jack.

"Child. You must find this Eyeless Jack. Take 2 other pastas with you to find him. I think I know where he's going to strike tonight...", Slender said, a thoughtful look on his "face". I nodded, and then went to find Jeff and Liu. They were going to help me find this... Eyeless Jack.

"Yo, Jeff! Liu! Get your lazy asses over here!", I yelled. They sleepily opened their doors, then saw me and they ran back into their rooms. They came back, changed into their clothes and wide awake.

"Wat, (Y/N)?", Jeff whined. "I was busy sleeping ya know."

"Jeff! That's rude. So... why did ya call us out here?", Liu said, looking at me.

"Well... we gotta find this other dude named Eyeless Jack. Ya know, to see if he wants to help us fight Zalgo.", I said, trying to not seem excited. They groaned, but they asked the same thing.

"When do we have to find him?"

"Well... here's the plan. Slender predicted that Eyeless Jack is going to go to this house tonight", I said, pointing at an address. "And we have to go there first, to capture him. Well, more like talk to him."

"Okaaaayyyy", Jeff sighed.

"Cool!", Liu said, much more enthusiastically. I rolled my eyes at Jeff, then walked to my room.

"I'll tell you when we have to go.", I said to them. They both went back to sleep, I'm pretty sure. "Why do boys like sleeping so much?", I whined, then slammed my face into my pillow. Then there was a knock on my door.

"Hey... (Y/N)? It's me, Jane. Can I come in?", Jane asked, kind of meekly. I walked over to the door and opened it.

"Sup Jane. Whatcha want?", I asked, kinda rudely. Oops. "I mean, sorry. the boys are just... annoying. So... what do you need?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out... If you don't want to that's okay...", she said, looking at the floor.

"Well, let's go! What do you want to do?", I asked, looking at her mask. She grinned under her mask and replied.

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