~*~Epilogue- The Puppeteer's Ending~*~

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(Y/N)'s POV

It was Puppet. I saw his golden eyes grow wide and his glowing mouth smile at me sadly a millisecond before he got hit. My heart stopped as he fell to the floor, the sickening thud echoing through the room. His eyes were still wide open as he hit the floor, and the bright golden glow slowly faded away, until they were nothing but dull black sockets. I silently gasped, and tears started to burn the backs of my eyes.

"No...", I whispered, limping towards Puppet. "No...". I clutched my bleeding and twisted leg tightly, trying to hurt myself enough so that maybe I'd join up again with Puppet. I just wanted to see his bright golden eyes again, and his beautiful shiny smile.

"Well, this is awkward.", Zalgo said. He yawned. "Well, let's set up the decorations for our wedding. Just toss that body away, dear.", Zalgo said, motioning towards Puppet's corpse. I clenched my fists tightly.

"No.", I said. Zalgo looked up from his black and red decorations.

"What?", he asked, his usually thundering voice dangerously quiet. Tears streamed freely down my cheeks as I repeated what I said before.

"No.", I said, my voice wavering ever so slightly. Zalgo rose from his throne of bones, his full height a staggering 9 feet. "I don't love you. I won't marry you.", I whispered, clutching my leg.

Zalgo glared at me, and then he strode across the room, and came to me. He looked as if he was ready to tear me in 2, but then his scowl softened. He instead smiled sickeningly and gave my twisted leg a swift, powerful kick. I cried out in pain, holding my leg that was once again bleeding freely, and I tried to hold in my sobs. I failed. Loud wails and sobs erupted from my mouth. I couldn't stop. I wouldn't stop. The pain was too much this time.

In one hand I held my leg, as painful as it was. In the other I clutched Puppet's body, holding on tight. "It's gonna be all right, Puppet. It will be okay. Just hold on, I can... We'll make it. We'll make it, okay?", I whispered to the dead body. Puppet had no response. Obviously. Zalgo laughed, he cackled. He raised a claw...

But I saw a taller figure rise behind him. It was my dad. It was Slenderman. He raised his tentacle, then brought it down onto Zalgo's head, making a loud CRACK echo through the room. I winced at the volume. A screech erupted from Zalgo, then all was quiet. He silently melted down into a small puddle of black blood and mist, that floated away gently through the thick air. I grabbed onto Puppet, not letting go.

"Shall I summon the others, so we can go home, child?", Slender asked quietly. I nodded, sniffling. With his power of telepathy, he teleported the rest of the pastas to the mansion. Then we disappeared from Zalgo's castle and arrived home. I sighed. It wasn't the same without Puppet. I had no one to talk to. Sure, there was Clocky and Jane, but Puppet really understood me.

I lifted Puppet's bloody corpse, then handed his delicate form to Slender. Slender nodded, then went to clean him up before placing him in his bed. His funeral would be tomorrow. I silently walked to my bathroom to take a shower. It had been quite a while since my last one.

While in the shower, I thought. I bough sadly about all of the memories me and Puppet had together. We would talk together and joke around, and sometimes he would make me put on a puppet show with him. I didn't mind all that much.

I climbed out and dried myself off. Then I got dressed and walked to Puppet's room. His body lay in his bed, neatly and his hands were clasped. But his features were slowly changing. His gray skin was turning normal, and his (now but used to be gold) black eyes and mouth were turning that of a normal mortal human. I gasped.

His eyes opened. They were bright blue, and they darted around the room, scanning it. Then they landed on me, and they softened. "(Y/N).", he said quietly.

"Hey, Puppet. You're um, human again.", I said, not wanting to alarm him too much. He looked down.

"It seems so.", he replied, wide eyed. Slender came into the room, and saw the human Puppet. He dropped the glass vase of black roses that he was carrying. It shattered on the ground. Slender quickly swept up the shards. "Is that... You, Puppet, child?", Slender asked. Puppet nodded. Slender placed a hand over where his heart would've been.

Slender grabbed Puppet and me, then carried us both to his office. He sat us both down on chairs. "I have to kill Puppet.", he said. My jaw dropped.

"What?! What are you talking about?!", I asked. Sure, he was human, but wasn't there another way? Slender sighed.

"It's the only way to make him an immortal Creepypasta again.", Slender said, placing a large hand on his forehead. I nodded, and squeezed Puppet's hand tightly.

"This is going to hurt a lot, isn't it?", Puppet asked, groaning. Slender nodded.

"Unfortunately.", he replied. Then he took a dagger from his desk and jabbed it into Puppet's heart. I covered my eyes. Blood slowly dripped onto the floor. I opened one eye, a tiny bit. Puppet's wound was closing up, and his skin started turning gray again, and his eyes started to get their yellow glow back, as well as his smile. I opened both eyes wide, then when the transformation was finished, I lept out of my seat and hugged him. I pressed my lips against his, and he kissed back passionately.

Until I heard a grunt. It came from my dad. "Heh, sorry Dad.", I said sheepishly. Everyone peered in through the doors.

"Is he back?"

"What's goin' on?"

"Did they just kiss?! Omg, Clocky I think they kissed!"



"Aw, so cute!"

"I want cheesecake."

They all walked in, grumbling about random shit. I hugged them all, even Jeff and BEN, surprisingly. I took Puppet's hand, then we announced our news to everyone.

And they all lived happily ever after~

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