~*~Chapter 10- Clockwork~*~

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(Y/N)'s POV

"(Y/N)? Do you want to play with me?", a small voice asked. I spun around and saw Sally looking up at me with huge, innocent green eyes. I bit my lip. I had nothing else to do, so I smiled and put a hand on Sally's shoulder.

"Sure, Sally. Let's go.", I said, and she grasped my hand in hers, and she took me to her room. The door was pink, with purple curvy letters that said Sally on it. I smiled at the door. It was so cute. She pushed the door open, and we stepped in. There was a pink princess bed with a high headboard, and there was a soft pink netting over it. There was a pink and purple tea table with a tea set on it in one corner. In the other corner, there was a bookshelf, and behind the bookshelf there was a whole bunch of dress up clothes. Not to mention the huge closet and attached bathroom. "Come on (Y/N)! The tea will get cold."

Sally dragged me over to the small tea set. The table had a pink, lacy tablecloth, and the tea set was full of dirty water. Sally made a disgusted face at the water, and tossed it away. She left the room and then came back with a jug of chocolate milk. Apparently the tea wasn't good enough.

"Charlie made the tea today. But I think he made it wrong cause it was NASTY.", Sally said. She poured the chocolate milk into the cups and we sipped the beverage. Charlie, her bear, was not enjoying the milk. He seemed offended that Sally threw away his tea.

"So... Sally. My dad, Slenderman, he told me that I have to go find a new pasta today. So I have to leave soon.", I said, and the little girl sighed sadly.

"Do you have to go? Nobody else wants to play with me.", she said sadly. I put my hand on Sally's shoulder. She looked up at me.

"I'll play with you when I get back, Sally. Okay? But Slender really wants me to do this mission. And I have to do it. We don't want him to get upset.", I said. Sally smiled and went off to play with Charlie instead. I quickly walked to Slender's office. He looked up at me.

"Yes, child?", he said. "Are you here for the mission?" I nodded, and he stood up. Then he sat back down. "I sent mind messages to Eyeless Jack and Jane. They will be accompanying you on your mission to find the new pasta. Oh, and here is the information on where to find her."

I looked at the packet. The girl's name was... Natalie. Her creepypasta name is unknown, because she hasn't changed quite yet. She might not have the potential, but Slender thinks that he does. If she does, she will become a creepypasta. If not, we just leave her. I thanked Slender, and as I turned around, I saw EJ and Jane right behind me.

"Hey, Slenderman. What did you need?", EJ asked. Jane nodded, agreeing with him. Slender clasped his large hands, and spoke. His voice was staticky, which was normal.

"I need you to go with (Y/N) to find a new creepypasta. She has the potential, but she might not become one. I need you to see if she has turned yet. From the information that I've gathered, she has almost snapped.", he said. Jane and EJ slowly nodded, and then I grabbed their hands and dragged them out of the room.

"We leave at sunset. Meet me outside the front door. And don't tell anyone about this. They might want to tag along.", I said seriously. They nodded, and I sprinted up to my room and flopped down onto my fluffy bed. I fell asleep soon after. On accident.

*3 hours later*

I woke up to a knocking on my door. I was too cozy to get up. Then my door burst open. EJ and Jane stood there. "Oh, hey guys. What's up?", I asked, yawning.

"You were supposed to be outside 30 minutes ago...", EJ said, and Jane nodded. Geez, Jane really wasn't speaking today. Then it hit me like a brick wall. THE NEW PASTA!!!

Suddenly wide awake, I straightened my clothes, grabbed my mask, put it on, and snatched up my daggers. "Sorry, guys. I fell asleep... Let's go!", I said. Jane rolled her eyes, but led the way out of my room and down the stairs. EJ followed closely. And I trailed behind them both.

We traveled through Slender Woods, me leading the way now, because these guys still don't know their way sometimes. "So... How are you guys adjusting here?...", I asked, and they just looked at me, like, really? "Geez. Just trying to start a conversation."

*A few minutes later*

We arrived outside of the woods. I looked at the packet and I knew exactly where the house was. It was in my old neighborhood.

Mom drove into the driveway of the new house. It wasn't a very large house, but it wasn't small either. "All right, brat. Get out of the car. Ugh. I wish you didn't exist. I would've been able to buy a better house.", Mom said. I shrugged. I was used to this.

That night, Mom gave me one of the worst beatings ever, for no reason. What I didn't know was that the abuse would give me permanent scars. "Worthless brat. I should just abandon you on the streets."

Tears started to flood out of my eyes. I remembered the pain of the whips and slaps. I crumpled to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. EJ and Jane looked at me, surprised.

"Are you okay?! What happened?!", Jane shrieked. EJ just knelt down beside me and hugged me. I returned the hug. Jane soon shut up and hugged me as well. We stayed like that for a few moments, then I lifted my mask and wiped my tears away.

"S-sorry. Just a bad memory of this place... I used to live here... And my mom would abuse me every day.", I mumbled. Jane hugged me again, and EJ gave me what I think was a sympathetic look. I stood up and started walking towards the house. I saw a teenage girl with long, wavy brown hair similar to Sally's walk out of one of the houses. She had a clock for an eye and held 2 bloody daggers, like me. We walked confidently up to her and I spoke.

"Hello, Natalie. I see that you have snapped between sanity and insanity. Come, join us. We are all killers. Be happy. Nobody will accept you here. ", I said. She looked up, surprised.

"How do you know my name? I mean, I'm Clockwork, not Natalie. I... I don't even know you! Wait... you're (Y/N)! And you're Eyeless Jack! And you're Jane the Killer! Some of the most famous killers! You know what, I'll join ya. Let's go.", she said. I exchanged smiles with Jane and EJ, and we led her to Slender Mansion. She looked at it in awe. "Wow. You know, you guys are legends among us unknown killers. We all look up to you.", she said.

"Me? A legend?! Are you joking?", Jane asked. I chuckled. Natalie-Clockwork shook her head, and Jane was silent for a moment, pondering whether she liked it or not. "Oh. Cool." EJ was silent. He almost never spoke, so I wasn't surprised.

We walked up the stairs to the mansion, and Clockwork ran her hands along the rusted railing. She seemed to be really amazed. I walked inside the mansion, and everyone welcomed Jane, EJ, and I. They looked at Clockwork for one moment, then called Slender over. He examined her, then nodded. Another member of our Creepypasta Army.

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