~*~Chapter 15- The Puppeteer~*~

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Yes?", Dad said, and he teleported right in front of me. I picked up my laptop and gave it to him.

"I found a new possible pasta. Can he join? Maybe? Possibly?", I said excitedly. He gave my laptop back after reading about The Puppeteer. As he was about to answer, Hoodie ran by us, and a few seconds later, Toby followed.

"HOODIE! HEY HOODIE! WANNA EAT WAFFLES WITH ME?! MASKY SAID NO, SO WHAT ABOUT YOU?!", Toby screamed, and I heard Hoodie trying to hide behind a large, overgrown bush. Toby ran past him like in cartoons, then Hoodie ran back into the house while Toby was looking in the woods.

"Well, that was weird. Actually... That was pretty normal. What were you going to say, Dad?", I asked.

"I was going to say that if you can find him, he may join. And also, if you are going to search for him, I recommend taking some friends.", he said, and then he teleported away. Great. He didn't even give me any information! But I guess that's my job if I found the pasta on the web... I stood up and walked back into the house. I knew who I wanted to accompany me on the mission.

"Clockwork! Hoodie! Can I talk to you both?", I called. "It's really important!" After I said that it was important, Clocky and Hoodie appeared in front of me.

"Whaddaya need?", Clocky asked, and she held her two daggers tightly, and I guessed that she wanted to go killing.

"I found a new possible pasta, and I want you two to come with me.", I explained, and Hoodie nodded. Clocky looked at Hoodie, then turned back to face me.

"Can't we bring Jane instead?", Clocky asked, as she looked at Hoodie. She apparently didn't like him very much. Hoodie seemed offended by this and he shrunk down and say on the ground.

"Clocky... That's mean. I chose you both for a reason anyways. Don't hurt Hoodie's feelings.", I said, and I hugged Hoodie. "Don't worry about it, Hoodsters."

"T-thanks...", he said quietly, and he stood up and I led the way through the thick forest. Branches hit us, and dirt got on our shoes, but we didn't complain. Finally, we got to where I knew we should go. The small cabin in the woods, isolated from everything else.

"I'm pretty sure that this is where this guy lives. Let's go.", I said, and Clocky and Hoodie followed me. Our foot steps couldn't be heard as we silently walked through the dense bushes and over grown grass.

"Damn... He needs to keep this place in better shape...", Clocky said, as she peeled a paint chip off the door. Hoodie plucked a blade of grass from the unkempt ground. He nodded in agreement.

I knocked on the door, and a voice came from the other side, harsh and cold. "What do you want?"

"I am (Y/N). The famous killer, and I am here with my friends Clockwork and Hoodie. We ask you to join our group called Creepypasta.", I said, and the door creaked open.

"Please come inside my humble abode.", The Puppeteer said. The three of us hesitantly walked inside, and it was what you would expect. I sent a message to Slendy telling him how Puppeteer's room should be. Yeah, my dad taught me to send mind messages. Pretty cool. "So... You asked if I wanted to join... Ok. What do I have to lose?"

"Everything in this cabin!", Clocky said, disgusted. "What are we? Stuck in the 80s?" She kicked away his stuff and he groaned.

"Fine. Now are we going to go, or not?", he hissed. He did not like Clocky. What a great way to greet someone, Clocky. Say that their home looks like it's stuck in the 80s when it's 2016. Nice.

I walked out of the gross cabin with Clocky and Hoodie following. The Puppeteer grabbed his stuff (there were few things) and then closed the door gently. He ran ahead of my friends and then looked at me. He had golden eyes and a golden mouth. He had a gray shirt and gray pants and a gray beanie. Maybe gray is his favorite color?..

We finally arrived at Slender Mansion after 30 minutes of walking. I walked up the dusty brick stairs and ran my hand along the rusty railing. Welcome home, Puppeteer. Slender teleported in front of me with a big ass trash bag full of random shit. "Oh. I was finishing setting up our new family member's room. Welcome.", Slender said. Puppeteer looked around and smiled.

"Am I really going to live here?", he asked dreamily. I nodded, and he squealed like a little girl. I chuckled at hs childish actions, then Jeff walked up.

"And who the fuck is this?! Stop bring in new people into the house (Y/N).", he growled. He glared at Puppet and then stormed off. Geez. Someone is in a bad mood today.

"Fuck off, Jeff.", I said, and I grabbed Puppet's arm. "Come on... Let's go to your room to get away from these douchebags." He nodded, and I showed him the way to his new room. I opened the door that said. 'The Puppeteer' on it, and Puppet stepped inside. His eyes grew wide and he gasped.

"Whoa... This is my room?", he asked. I nodded, and he stared. The walls were gray, and so was almost everything else, but there were some hints of gold. It was simple, it's a bed, desk, chair, closet, and attached bathroom. "This is... Amazing! Thank you!"

"You're welcome... I hope that you like it here at Slender mansion.", I said cheerfully. Puppet smiled softly at me and then hugged me. I hugged back with a smile on my face.

"Thank you... For letting me stay here... And to let me be a part of your family. I really appreciate it.", Puppet said.

"Like I said, you're welcome. And really, it's awesome having you here.", I said, smiling, and then I walked to the door. He probably wanted some alone time. "See ya later, Puppet." I stared to walk to my room.

"You too!", he called back, and I heard him sigh happily. You did good, (Y/N). You did good. I guess. I sank down on my bed. Suddenly, there was a quiet knock on my door, so quiet, that it almost seemed meek or ashamed.

"Who is it?", I asked, and I walked over to my door once again.

"It's me... Jeff. Can I talk to you?", Jeff asked in a meek voice. I opened my door, and Jeff stood there, an ashamed look on his face. Huh. He was meek and ashamed. Just as I thought.

"Sure.", I said, and I let him in my room. He stood awkwardly at the door until I let him sit in my chair at my desk.

"I just wanted to say sorry for being a dick. That's all... Uh... See ya.", He said quickly, and he left the room before I could utter even one word. Jeff sure was acting strange. He never apologized for anything, and he was always full of himself. Weird.

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