~*~Chapter 12- Laughing Jack~*~

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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up to someone jumping on me. I groggily opened my eyes and saw Sally hopping up and down on me. "Ugh... Sally... What do you want?", I grumbled. She smiled and batted her eyes.

"So... I heard that there was a circus, and I wanna go see it! It's called Laughing Jack's Circus. And I wanna go 'cause it sounds real fun! Can ya please take me? Pleeeeeeaaaaassseee?", Sally asked. She looked at me with her emerald green eyes with an innocent kind of puppy dog look. I groaned.

"Maybe. When is it? Do you even have tickets?", I asked. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. As I looked at the clock, I realized that it was only 7:30 in the morning. Ugh. "Why did you wake me up so early...?'

Sally sighed impatiently. "The circus is today, at 2:30. We don't need no dumb tickets, and I woke ya up 'cause I really really wanna go to the circus, and nobody else wants to take me! So will ya take me? Pleaseeeee!!!!", she said, answering all of my questions.

I looked at Sally. She looked really desperate, and she really wanted to go. I went over to my calendar that was on my bookshelf, and I was free today. Why not take a child to the circus? "Okay Sally, you win. I'll take you to Laughing Jack's circus.", I said. She screamed happily and hugged me super tight. Then she ran to find someone so that she could tell them. Kids.

Jane and Clockwork were dragged into the room by Sally a few moments later as I was getting out of bed. They looked like they had just woken up. Jane's mask was crooked and Clockwork's hair was a mess. "(Y/N)! Can they come to the circus with us? Pretty please with a cherry on top?", Sally said, and she did her puppy dog eyes again. I rolled my eyes, and Jane and Clockwork sighed.

"If they want to.", I said. Sally screamed again and jumped up and down happily. Jane and Clockwork shrugged, then Sally made them jump with her. I went into my bathroom before Sally could make me jump as well.

*After a shower*

I walked out of my bathroom 20 minutes later. Jane and Clockwork were all dressed and they were sitting with Sally on my bed. My hair was combed and dried, and I had a plain (F/C) t-shirt on with black skinny jeans. I had matching flats on.

"Sup girlfriend? Ready to go to the circus?", Clockwork asked. I crossed my arms

"No. I haven't eaten any breakfast, and I thought it started at 2:30. It's only about 8:00 right now.", I said. Jane stood up.

"Apparently, the circus is open all day, and starts in about 10 minutes.", Jane said, looking at her silver watch. "That's what Sally said." Sally jumped off my bad and dragged all three of us down the stairs. This child did not want to wait. I was lucky enough to grab a few granola bars as Sally dragged us out the door. I tossed a granola bar to Jane and Clockwork, and we munched on them as Sally dragged us to the location.

Sally suddenly stopped. I swallowed the last of my breakfast, and tossed the wrapper onto the grass. The circus seemed lively and fun, but I sensed something else. Sally laughed, then ran inside, screaming with happiness. Jane, Clockwork, and I shrugged, but followed Sally. She decided to go to the tent of fun first. As we walked inside, a show began. A black and white clown started sawing a kid in half, except blood dripped out of the box, and the child inside began screaming in pain. All of the other kids tried to run out, but Sally, Clockwork, Jane and I stopped them. Our inner killers came out, and we began killing the kids who tried to escape. The parents that were sitting outside tried to run in, but Sally and I stabbed them.

After everyone was dead, the clown came over to us. "Thank you for helping me! I might not have gotten all of them without you!", he said in a sing song voice. We smiled and I shook his hand.

"I'm (Y/F/N) (L/N).", you said, introducing yourself.

"Laughing Jack. Wait, the (Y/N)?", he asked. You nodded. "Wow! What a day! I meet some famous killers, that happen to be my role models.", he said, as he noticed Clockwork, Jane, and Sally.
"Hey mister Laughing Jack, wanna join our creepypasta group?", Sally asked. Jane looked at Clockwork and I. I nodded, as if saying that it was ok for him to join.

"Are you serious?", he asked. Sally nodded, and he smiled a large, toothy grin. "Well, then of course I'll join! What kind of unknown killer turns down an offer to be in the best killing group of all time?"

We all smiled. A new addition to our family. Laughing Jack the monochrome clown. Sally led the way back home. The sun was setting, and red, orange, and yellow leaves blew past us. I shivered, as I was only wearing a short sleeved shirt. I felt a sudden warmth surround me, and I realized that Laughing Jack had given me his feather jacket.

"Thanks LJ.", I said, and we continued the long walk home to the mansion.

*10 minutes later*

We finally arrived home. I opened the door, and saw the usual sight. BEN playing his games, and Jeff losing badly to BEN, because he was playing against him. Toby annoying Masky, and Hoodie video taping it, Slender trying to clean up after everybody, Helen up in his room, Liu watching BEN and Jeff, Silver playing pokemon alone in a corner, and EJ eating kidneys in the kitchen.

"Sup peeps! Guess who's back?", I said.

"Guess who found a new member of the family?", Jane said.

"Guess who ate almost nothing today? Ok, I'm gonna go eat something.", Clockwork said. Then she headed into the kitchen to go get some food.

"Guess who went to the circus today?", Sally said. Everyone rolled their eyes. The answers were pretty obvious. Slender looked at LJ, who was nearly as tall as him.

"Hello, Laughing Jack. I just want to let you know that you are allowed to be a part of our family.", Slender said. Clockwork, Jane, Sally, and I cheered.

*30 minutes later*

It was nearly 11:00 now. Sally went to bed 2 hours ago, and everyone else was watching a horror movie, except Slender. He was cleaning Jeff's bedroom. He couldn't stand the piles of filth. And LJ went somewhere.... I forgot where. The film that we were watching was called Annabelle. About some cursed doll. Silver and Hoodie left a few minutes ago. Masky hid behind a pillow, Jeff and EJ were huddled in the corner, Clocky, Jane, and I were all hugging each other, Helen was watching the film, intrigued, Toby was almost crying in fear, Liu was biting his lip so hard it was bleeding, and BEN was staring at the wall, too scared to say anything or even look at the screen.

Then Annabelle popped up out of nowhere, and we all screamed. The funniest was Jeff, because he started crying and hugging EJ. EJ however, was disgusted by Jeff and tried to pull away, but failed. Masky quickly turned the movie off, and everyone gathered on the floor, hugging each other. Then the door bell rang and scared us all.

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