~*~Epilogue- Jeff's Ending~*~

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(Y/N)'s POV

It was Jeff. Wait... What?! Jeff was a cold hearted killer... Who loved no one. Even if I loved him, he wouldn't like me back... Would he? No. But I still ran over to him, crying. I loved him, for crying out loud. A large pool of blood gathered under Jeff, and he coughed. I knelt down beside him, and tears poured down my face.

"Jeff! Don't go!", I sobbed. "I- I love you!" His lidless eyes widened. He tried to say something, but more blood came out of his mouth.

He spit out the blood. "I... I love you too... You're the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen...", he said quietly. Then his eyes rolled to the back of his head and I screamed.

"How cute!", Zalgo said, and he smiled. I tried to glare at him.

"You... You fucking bastard! Why would you do this?! Fuck you!", I screamed, and I grabbed my dagger and tried to stab him. He picked me up and tossed me back over to Jeff.

"This is just pathetic.", he said. I hugged Jeff tight to my chest and didn't let go. Zalgo started to try to get another fireball. Right before I covered my eyes, I saw Slendy with his most poisonous tentacle, and it was dripping with black blood. Zalgo saw me staring and whipped around... Only to get a face full of tentacle. It stabbed him through his head, and he screamed, "NOOOOOO!".

He dissolved into a black mist, and then all that was left was a large puddle of black blood, which had dripped from the wounds. I clutched Jeff to my chest tightly. I shook him gently, and felt for a heartbeat, a pulse, a breath, anything. But there was no signs of life. Jeff was dead.

Just then, all of the other pastas came into Zalgo's room. "Damn, this place is big.", Jane said, and then she saw Jeff's corpse. She almost died. With anger. "WHO THE FUCK KILLED HIM?! I WAS SUPPOSED TO KILL HIM, DAMMIT!", she screeched.

"Zalgo killed him.", I said softly, and tears ran down my face. Jane's face softened, and she walked over to me.

"I'm so sorry...", she said, and she gave me a hug. Clocky came over and we all hugged. I knew that this was to console me, but it wouldn't wake the dead. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and then I saw Dad. He teleported us all home. I ran up to my room, crying. I couldn't help it.

"He's dead... He's dead...", I cried, and I sat in the darkest corner of my room, where I felt safe... Most of the time. Hours passed, and I just sat in my corner, silent and pondering whether this was a dream or not. The there was a knock at my door.

"Hey girl... Your dad wanted me to tell you that Jeff's funeral is tomorrow... And that dinner is ready.", Clocky said. I merely muttered a yes before going back to my silent thoughts. His funeral... Was tomorrow? Would I be able to go without bawling my eyes out?

*The next day*

I woke up, and I felt sad immediately. Today was Jeff's funeral. It was rainy and cloudy, just like my mood. I slowly made my way to the shower, and sink. I forced myself to do makeup and to put on a black dress and heels. I looked at myself, and I saw one emotion- Sadness. I walked down the steps and skipped breakfast. Everyone was gathered outside already.

"Today, we are gathered here to mourn the death of Jeffrey Woods. He was a wonderful friend, brother, and even maybe loved one. We will all miss him dearly. Does anyone want to say any words?", Slendy asked, once we were all seated. I sniffled and wiped away my tears.

"I would like to say something.", I said quietly. I stepped up next to the coffin. "I loved Jeff. I didn't think that he would love me back, but right before he died, he told me that he loved me too... And I miss him. We will all miss him.", I said in a quivery voice.

I leaned over and placed my lips on Jeff's, and tears ran down my face and dropped onto his chest. Then, as I pulled away, I saw Jeff smiling back at me. "Jeff!", I screamed, and he got up and out of his coffin.

"Hi babe. Is this my funeral?", Jeff asked, and he looked around. "Why couldn't I have gotten a better coffin? Like one made out of gold?!" I laughed, and he kissed me back. "Love you too, (Y/N)."

"Love you too, Jeffypoo.", I cooed.

"(Y/N), don't call me that.", he said.

"Sure thing... Jeffypoo."

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