~*~Chapter 11- Lost Silver~*~

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(Y/N)'s POV

*A few weeks later*
Clockwork was adjusting well to the mansion, and she became close friends with Jane and I. We hang out nearly every day! And then one day, Slender sent me a mind message telling me to come to his office. I excused myself from Jane and Clockwork, and I went to his office. "Dad? You wanted to see me?", I said. He looked up from his work.

"Yes, child. I have to tell you. I found this new game about pokemon, and I want you to give it to BEN. He is on a killing spree right now, so when he gets back, please give this to him.", Slender said. He handed me a pokemon game. It was the Pokemon Silver game. I had heard strange stories about this game, but what were the chances of it being the actual haunted game? I thanked Slender, then pocketed the game and walked out of the room. Just then, I heard the TV glitch, meaning that BEN was back.


I listened to the teen's horrified screams. I laughed maniacally and then strangled her with wires and she burned. Ah. What a nice kill. I decided that it was time to go back to the mansion. So, I jumped into the TV and traveled through the internet. I saw many tempting victims, but I resisted. It was almost morning. I finally found the TV screen in the pasta living room. I jumped through it and landed on the floor, on my face. Good thing (Y/N) didn't see that. "Oh, hey BEN."

(Y/N) did see that. Oops. I hopped up, and she chuckled at me. "So, Slender gave me this game. He told me to give it to you... Um... Here.", she said. I took it. It was the Pokemon Silver game.

"Oh. Thanks (Y/N). Tell Slender that I said thanks, would ya?", I said. She nodded, then went down the hall. I examined the game further. It was definitely used, but in pretty good condition. I shrugged and put it into my Gameboy. My avatar was a limbless boy with blood running down his face. This wasn't normal. I wanted to play more though. I looked at the trainer info. There was 999:99 hours put in the game, all 16 badges, 999999 Pokedollars, and all 251 pokemon. The pokemons in his team had 5 Unowns and 1 pokemon named HURRY. This was weird. I played more, and there were no NPC's in the village. As I played further, there were words spelled out like LEAVE, HEDIED, DYING, NOMORE, and IMDIED. Yep, this was definitely Silver's game.

"Silver, you can come out of the game now", I said. Silver popped out of the screen and looked at me. Bloody tears ran down his face.

"W-why did y-you ruin the g-game?", he asked. "You're t-the best player b-by f-far.", he said to me. I beamed. Of course I was the best player. I'm the best gamer in the whole world.

Then Slender walked in. I turned around to look at him. He spoke in an angry voice.

"Who is this?! Why is he in my house?", Slender asked in a dangerously low voice. He walked closer to Silver. Silver squeaked and hid behind me, shivering with fear.

I laughed and replied to Slender. "Slender, this is Lost Silver. He haunts the Pokemon Silver game that you gave to me. And he may want to join our creepypasta group.", I said. Slender examined Silver, and then nodded in approval. Apparently Silver could stay.

(Y/N)'s POV

After a quick catch up on my favorite story on a website, (Quotev) I decided to see how BEN was doing with his new game. I walked to his room, and I opened the door without knocking, because that is just how rude I am. Instead of seeing BEN on his bed playing the game, I saw Slender examining a dude who I have never seen before with BEN watching.

"What's going on?", I asked. Slender looked at me.

"Oh... Child. This is the newest pasta. I just found him. His name is Lost Silver, and he haunts the Pokemon Silver game.", Slendy said. I slowly nodded, then grinned and extended my hand out to Silver. He jumped away from it, and then I realized that he had no hands. Or arms, or legs, or feet. I quickly put my hand behind my back and apologized.

"N-no need to a-apologize. I-it happens all the t-time.", he said. I blushed, then Slender took him to his new room. I quickly left the room, my cheeks burning. I flopped onto my bed again and opened my laptop. Hey! My favorite author updated her story! Time to get reading.

Lost Silver's POV

Slender led me to my new room. I don't know why BEN told him that I wanted to join. I actually didn't want to join before, but then I saw (Y/N). She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. She tried to shake my hand, but I didn't have any at the moment. Sometimes, I wish that I actually had limbs. I feel so unfortunate.

"And here is your room, Silver.", Slender said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly stood up straight and looked at Slender.

"S-sorry sir. T-thank you for showing me to my room.", I said, and he nodded, then he teleported away. I peeked into my room, and everything was about pokemon. The colors besides that of pokemon was silver, black, and white. I am in love with this room. And (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s POV

*2 hours later*

I closed my laptop. Wow. That ending was dramatic. I CANNOT believe that the main character's true love died! (A/N- Nobody will die in this story, do not worry!) I threw all of my dirty tissues away. Yeah, I cried. It was really sad. (A/N- Sorry. But do any of you amazing readers ever cry because you read a sad story on quotev? I do that all the time.)

I looked out my window. It was pitch black outside. But I swear, I saw something out there. It was a flash of pure darkness. Then it was gone. I probably just need sleep. That's all. I changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth. I turned off my lamp and climbed into bed. The end of another perfect day in my amazing life.

(A/N)- So, what did you think of this chapter? Please comment on this story so that I know if people like it or not, and I know what to change. Thank you for reading my story! And if there are any errors, please tell me.
If it is possible, can you follow me? I'll follow back! Yeah, I'm desperate. I'm sorry. Go on with your perfect lives, you amazing people!!! Love ya!

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