~*~Chapter 7- BEN Drowned~*~

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Ugh... Those guys are so annoying sometimes... I need to clear my head. Maybe I'll talk to Cleverbot!", I said to myself. I logged onto Cleverbot and typed in a greeting.


Hello, (Y/N). What a pretty name...

How do you know my name?...

Well... I have my ways. Come closer to the screen...

Why should I? I'm going to go get my dad!

Your father? Do you mean Slenderman? I see...

What?! Well, then I'm going to go get one of my friends!!!

Why? They would just ruin the fun that we're having... Come closer to the screen, my dear...

No! Why should I?! Stop it!

No... Step back (Y/N)... Step away from the screen... And watch and see...

I stepped away from the computer screen, completely terrified. Wouldn't you be terrified if someone knew your name, and you didn't tell them?! The screen started to make a static noise, and then a pale hand shot out of the screen, followed by a head and the rest of the body. "Hello (Y/N). What a pretty name..."

"Who are you?! Get out of my room! Get out of my house!", I yelled at the being. He had fluffy blonde hair, pale skin, black eyes with a red center, and a Legend of Zelda link outfit. Plus... he had blood running down his cheeks...

"Why, sweetheart? The fun has just started...", he stepped closer to me, and I screamed. Loud. "Shut up!"

"Who are you?!"

"BEN Drowned, sweetheart."

Just then the door burst open, and Jeff was standing there with everybody else (including Jane) behind him. "Hey! You! Get away from her!", Jeff yelled, and he ran towards BEN. Jane ran to me.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?", Jane asked worridly. Then Slender teleported out of nowhere, and that BEN guy knew that he was in trouble. He tried to squirm out of Jeff's strong grip, but all of the other guys were there too. He had no chance of escaping.

"Stop it! I-I didn't want to hurt her! I just heard about your group, you know, Creepypasta? I wanted to join!", BEN squeaked. Slendy slowly turned his head to BEN.

"Child... You may join... But never, ever, EVER HURT MY DAUGHTER OR ANYONE IN THIS HOUSEHOLD!", Slender said, raising his voice at the end. Everybody winced at the loudness. BEN nodded frantically, and Jeff reluctantly let him go, and everyone else lowered their weapons.

"Tell us your story... BEN. You know... So we can make sure that you're not just some silly human.", Liu said, pointing his dagger at BEN.

"Well... my parents hated me, and abused me... But they bought me video games for some reason. One night, my dad said that they were going to have a party, and he gave me a game... It wa The Legend of Zelda, Majora's Mask. I started to play the game, but hours later, when I was about to beat the final boss, my dad called me. So I had to go, unless I wanted to get beat. I went outside, and my dad was drunk out of his mind. He told everybody that I was awesome... and that I could swim. So he threw me into our pool and I started drowning... because I didn't know how to swim. I drowned... But came back and killed my parents. I was stuck in that game until someone played it."

"Wow... That... That's harsh.", Jeff said, and everybody lowered their weapons.

"Welcome to the Creepypasta Family, BEN.", Slender said, and everybody cheered. I smiled.

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