~*~Epilogue- Lost Silver's Ending~*~

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(Y/N)'s POV

It was Lost Silver. He barely managed to hop in front of me, blocking the fireball from hitting me before it was too late. By the time I opened my eyes, he was laying on the ground, lifeless. Tears filled my eyes before anything else could happen. Time seemed to stop, and I rushed over to his body, tears flowing freely. It was like moving in slow motion, and I reached his body, and dropped to my knees, speechless.

"Silver...", I whispered, and I heard a stifled laugh behind me. Anger filled my empty emotions, and I jumped up and spun around, a hateful look on my face. "You... YOU DID THIS!"

"No shit, sherlock.", Zalgo said, rolling his red eyes. "Of course I did! He was in the way of our true love."

"THERE'S NO FUCKING LOVE BETWEEN US! I HATE YOU!", I screamed, venom laced in my voice, and clutched Silver close to me, and scooting away from Zalgo, the most evil being in the whole universe. "You fucking bastard!", I whispered, and collapsed to the floor. Silver, my only true love, was gone. I felt his chest for a heart beat, and there was a slow beating, growing quieter and quieter.

"I... I love you (Y/N).", Silver whispered, and then his body convulsed and he stopped breathing.

"SILVER!", I screamed, and hugged him close. "I love you too..."

I looked up to Zalgo, burning hate in my eyes. "FUCK YOU!", I yelled angrily, and tried to stab him, but failed and he just picked me up and tossed me aside.

"Time to take his soul!", Zalgo squealed excitedly, and began to suck Silver's soul from his limbless body. Just then, I saw Slender rise from behind Zalgo, tentacles dripping with black blood.

I wiped my tears away, and sniffled. Zalgo detected that something was suspicious and spun around, a look of fear on his gnarled features. He saw Slender with his largest tentacle, which was as poisonous as it was bloody. "H-hey!", Zalgo squeaked, and those were his last words. Slender stabbed him through the chest and Zalgo disappeared into a black mist, that was rather similar to smoke.

I was glad that Zalgo finally got what he deserved, but then I remembered Silver. I quickly turned around, and the only thing that distinguished if he had just died was the fresh blood tears on his pale face. "Dad... Is he going to be okay?", I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. Slender gently took Silver from my grasp and listened for any signs of life.

He shook his head, a grim look upon his "face.". "I'm sorry, child.", he said softly. I shook my head, trying to deny that my one and only love was gone, dead. Hot tears rolled down my scratched cheeks, the salt stinging the fresh wounds.

"He can't be gone. He can't be. He was alive before I got taken. He was alive a few minutes ago. He was breathing and everything. He can't be dead... He just can't.", I whispered, and I started to sob, my tears falling onto Silver's bloody chest. "I love you, Silver. I'm so sorry..."

Then the door burst open with a huge BANG. Jane was the first to spot my crying, shaking figure clutching Silver's corpse to my chest. Clocky and her ran over to me, trying to console me. I didn't stop crying. I let it all out, not caring anymore.

"It's ok... Silver's alive again... Up there.", Clocky said, pointing to Heaven. Jane nodded, giving me a huge hug.

"You're ok. Don't give up.", Jane whispered, and I wiped away my tears, trying to stifle my loud sobs. The other boys saw me crying and nudged one another. They knew why I was crying. Silver. They knew he was gone, and that I loved him. They awkwardly shuffled towards Slender, and we all got teleported home. Home. It reminded me of Silver too much.

*A few hours later*

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I just crossed my arms and sighed. "Jane, I told you. I just want to be alone.", I said quietly, then there was a soft voice that answered. It definitely wasn't Jane. It couldn't be...

"(Y/N)?", Silver asked. I turned around, expecting to see some sort of prank video. It was Silver, slightly translucent and floating. "I missed you."

"Silver?", I asked, and I couldn't hold back the flood of tears that escaped my puffy, red eyes. "I-I thought you were dead!"

"I... I am.. I'm just a ghost. And no one can see me but my true love... And I guess that's you.", he said softly, and I wiped my tears. I tried to hug him, but my arms went right through him.

"Silver... I miss you. I want to hug you, to kiss you... To love you. I can't do anything of those things when you're a ghost...", I said quietly. Fresh blood tears escaped his pale eyes.

"I-I know! I'm sorry!", Silver cried, burying his face in his clothes. Well, he tried to. His shoulders shook with quiet, pain filled sobs.

"Silver... I'll still love you, no matter what. And... It's not your fault that you're a ghost now.", I said reassuringly. Silver smiled a small, sad smile.

"Thanks, (Y/N).", he said, and he floated over to me, planting a cold kiss on my cheek. "I love you so much."

"I love you too.", I giggled, and we sat on my bed and talked about everything.

Months went by, and everyone knew about Silver being a ghost now. He communicated by writing on a a white board that he wore around his neck. We were all functioning quite fine, but then one day, Slender told me to come to his office. I followed his tall figure, and I sat down in his chair. "Yeah, Dad?", I asked, and Slender clasped his hands tightly.

"I believe that I know someone who can fix Lost Silver.", Slender said, and I began to smile.

"Really?! Who is it?", I asked eagerly, and he replied.

"Dr. Smiley. The bad thing is that he wants something from us in return. He wants... Your necklace. He says that it's very interesting, and he could do many things with it.", Slender said. I gasped. The necklace was the only thing that I had left from my real parents. Well, my dad specifically. He was the one who was nice, and treated me well. But then, one day he disappeared, and police investigated further and found his corpse washed up on the beach. He had gone on a overseas for work reasons, but the boat capsized... And he died. Then my mom became an alcoholic and drug addict, to try to cope with the pain. That's when she started abusing me and left me in the woods. This all happened 9 years ago. I remember.

"I... Okay. If it will help Silver.", I said, and I took off my necklace. It was a heart locket with a thin gold chain and inside the heart, a small picture of my mom, dad, and me. It was taken the day before my dad... Died. We wanted one more picture before he left. I took the picture out, and handed Slender the locket. "Here..."

"Thank you, child. I'm sure he will fix Silver.", Slender said, and I smiled weakly.

"Okay, Dad."

A few days later, we went to Dr. Smiley's office. He greeted us with a sharp toothed smile. "Hello... May I see the locket?", he asked, grinning.

"Uh... Ok.", I said uneasily, handing him the gold locket.

"Very nice... I can store souls in here.", Dr. Smiley said, and I shivered. This guy was a fucking CREEP. "Come on, come in." We walked inside his doctor's office, and there were various organs and body parts scattered around the room, and in the midst of all the gore, a very bloody chair. I shuddered and Silver followed me, shaking uncontrollably. He sat on the chair gingerly, and Dr. Smiley rummaged through his blood stained chest, until he pulled out several small bottles. "Yes, yes... This will work.", he said, and mixed them all together in a larger bottle. He gave the bottle to Silver, and Silver stared at the gross, greenish goop that he was supposed to eat.

He opened his mouth and Dr. Smiley poured the goopy substance in. Silver swallowed, and he began to reappear to everyone. "Silver!", I cried happily, and I hugged him, joyful tears running down my face. We took him back and everyone cheered. Everything was right once more. And I was glad.

My New Family (Creepypasta x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz