~*~Chapter 4- Jeff the Killer~*~

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Wake up, child.", a voice said. Groaning, I opened my eyes. "Good morning. Come and eat. You must find another ally today." It was Slenderman. Duh. I nodded sleepily. Then he teleported out of my room. I took a shower and all that stuff, then picked out my outfit, which was a blood red shirt and ripped black skinny jeans.

"H-HI *tic* (Y/N)!", Toby greeted. He was awfully cheerful. But then again, he was always like this. Masky and Hoodie both nodded to me in a friendly way, as if to say hello.

"Morning.", I said, grabbing a bowl of (F/C). "So... Did you hear about the new guy that we have to find?", I asked the proxies. They shrugged and looked at me. "Well... his name is Jeff... and apparently, he's gone completely insane."

"Then I'm going to sit this one out.", Masky said, crossing his arms. "I don't want to be with an insane killer."

"Masky... we're all insane killers here..."

"Oh yeah..."

"W-well, are we g-going to go, o-or n-not?", Hoodie asked, looking at us. I finished my bowl of cereal, and rose from the table. Toby, Masky, and Hoodie copied. Then we grabbed our weapons and ran outside.

"Here's the info that Slendy gave us.", I said, holding a piece of paper. "It says that we have to go... to this address." I pointed at an address, and the boys craned their necks to see.

"Do you... um... well... Are you excited... for this?", Masky asked dully. He seemed jealous of something.

"Masky... Are you jelly? And I guess I'm excited. I mean, we have a better chance of beating Zalgo with more allies, right?", I replied.

Masky's face grew red underneath his mask, and he didn't reply. Hoodie and Toby were shaking with silent laughter. I shrugged and we continued on to find this... Jeff dude.

Masky's POV

(Y/N) asked me something. She asked if I was jealous. I guess I was, I mean, she's beautiful, and she's living with a bunch of dudes. And they all have a crush on her. Including me. And I'm also pretty sure that Jeff is going to fall in love with her too. Plus every other dude that's going to join us creepypastas. That's just great.

Toby's POV

I know that Masky has a crush on (Y/N). I do too. And so does Hoodie. But in the end, she has to choose one of us. I have no luck. I mean, look at me! I'm a freak. She'd never love me... And there's gonna be other dudes coming here... She's gonna fall in love with one of them... Not me.

Hoodie's POV

I have to say, Masky being embarrassed was the funniest thing that I've ever seen. Other than Toby getting drunk and putting on a bikini and singing Barbie Girl. Hehe. That was funny... But just because I'm shy and I don't speak much doesn't mean that I can't fall in love...

(Y/N)'s POV

"Guys...Come on! We have to find Jeff!", I whined, trying to get the proxies to be faster. It was getting dark already, and Jeff would've been home by now.

"Shut up. We're going as fast as we fucking can.", Masky growled. I huffed and walked faster. Toby and Hoodie followed me, quickening their pace. Soon enough, Masky was too.

"There it is!", I squealed, looking at Jeff's house. Even though it was 11:00 at night, the lights were still on. Confuzzling. But we went in anyways, and there, was Jeff himself, surrounded by corpses. His mom, dad, and brother were dead. Oh mah gosh...

"Hello! More guests... How delightful...", Jeff said. He was... scary... yet attractive. He had a cut smile, burnt off eyelids, and white, leathery skin. Wow. He held a knife, and then he lunged at us. But we were ready, and caught the "inexperienced" murderer. Masky took his knife, and I carried him. We ran to Slender Mansion.

"Dad! We caught Jeff!", I yelled, and Slender appeared.

"Good, good... But you'll have to go back while I train Jeff. To make sure there aren't any more allies that you left behind.", Slendy said, holding Jeff. We all sighed, and went back to Jeff's house, quickly.

My New Family (Creepypasta x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora