~*~Chapter 13- Smile Dog and Grinny Cat~*~

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(Y/N)'s POV

Nobody moved. Jane let out a small whimper. "Go get the door, Jeff.", Clockwork said. "You're the bravest." Jeff squeaked and shook his head rapidly. While everyone was trying to coax Jeff to get the door, I stood up and slowly walked towards the door. The doorbell rang again.

"No! (Y/N)! Don't do it!", Jane said, noticing that I was gone. Everyone turned and saw me making my way to the door, and they all huddled together sadly. I guess they thought that I was a goner. I stretched my hand out to the door... And unlocked it. I twisted the door knob slowly, and jerked the door open. I held my dagger to whoever was out there. My eyes were shut tightly.

"Uh... What are you doing?", a voice said. I opened my eyes. Standing there was Laughing Jack. Everyone on the floor quickly moved away from each other, so that LJ couldn't see them afraid of a movie.

"Well... We were watching a scary movie... And we thought that you were a possessed doll coming to kill us.", I said sheepishly. LJ laughed.

"Well, I'm no killer doll. I just brought snacks for the movie, and I guess you started without me.", he said. He held out a bag of candy and popcorn. "And... I found this." He motioned behind him.

I peeked behind LJ, and there, behind him, was a black and red dog with a human smile. I gasped. "Jeff... You may want to come see this.", I said, and Jeff shakily walked over to the door.

"What is i- OHMYGOSHWHATTHEHELLITSADORABLE!!! YIUENW DJBFCRY!!!!", he said excitedly, and he grabbed the dog and hugged it tight.

While Jeff was hugging the dog, I looked at LJ. "So... Where did you find that dog?", I asked. LJ laughed.

"That's a long story... Well, I was walking home after robbing the movie theater, where I got the free snacks, and I passed a house... And I heard whimpering. Really loud whimpering. So, I peeked inside, and there sat a dog who was being tortured by his owner. I felt bad, so I killed the owner and brought him here. Hopefully he likes it here. Oh! And also, his owner carved this smile, like Jeff.", LJ said. I looked at the dog. He licked Jeff all over and nuzzled his fluffy head on Jeff's face. I chuckled. The dog was really cute.

"I'M KEEPING THIS DOG. HE IS MINE. AND I GET TO NAME HIM. HE WILL BE NAMED... SMILE DOG! YEAH, THAT'S A REALLY GOOD NAME. IT'S PERFECT.", Jeff yelled. Smile Dog barked, as if he was agreeing with Jeff on the name. Everyone else started to creep over to Jeff and Smile, and Jane pet Smile on the head. Jeff glared at her, but Smile licked her hand, and she laughed. Smile seemed to love everybody, especially Jeff. It was clear that Smile was basically Jeff's.

"What is all the noise?! Do you want to wake Sally?!", Slender asked, suddenly teleporting into the room. He looked at Smile then sighed. "What is that animal doing in my house?"

"LJ found him being tortured, so he brought him here. And he's no normal dog. Look", Jeff said, and Smile Dog smiled, showing off his human smile and teeth. Slender gasped.

"Well... I suppose that he can live here. He isn't a normal dog, so why not?", Slender said, softening a little, and I swear, I thought that I saw him smile.

"Hey... What's going on? OH! PUPPY!!!", Sally said. She had begun to walk down the stairs slowly, until she saw Smile. Then her eyes widened and she ran down the steps excitedly. She sprinted over to Smile and began to pet him. He wagged his tail happily and she giggled.

"Sally. It is past your bedtime, go to sleep.", Slender said.

"Hey! You stole my line! That's messed up Slendy.", Jeff grumped. He scowled darkly at him.

"But... It's a puppy. And I always wanted a puppy ever since my old friend Jenny got one.", Sally said, and she pouted an adorable pout. Slender sighed.

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