~*~Chapter 18- Captured by the Demon~*~

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(Y/N)'s POV

I sighed. The movie was over and everyone was sleeping. I was the only one left awake. Scratches came from my window, and I wanted to see what it was. Was it just an animal? Or was it something... Darker? It was too scary. What if it froze me as soon as I looked at it, then carried me away? I would never see my family ever again...

"Hey... What're you doing awake?", Jane asked sleepily. "It's so late..."

"I just... I'm scared. What was that scratching at my window? I have a bad feeling about it... And I still hear it. I just can't bring myself to go look at it.", I said, and a wave of coldness washed over my body, as if the being outside wanted to scare me.

"I'll go see what it is...", Jane said. She walked over to the window, and shakily pulled open the curtain. I turned away, not wanting to see what horrifying sight there was. "AAAHHHH!!!"

"Jane!", I yelled, and I spun around. Jane stood before the window, and outside was the demon creature that I saw in my dreams. I was petrified. I couldn't move or speak, no matter how much I wanted to. What scared me even more was what happened next.

"I have come for you, (Y/N). Your father refused to see me, so I will take away everything he loves, starting with you and ending with his dear proxies and slaves.", he spoke, and he reached through my window, through the protective barrier and shattering the glass. His hand burned and blistered, but he snatched me up. Clocky woke up and screamed.

"NO! (Y/N)! YOU BASTARD, GIVE HER BACK!", Clocky screamed, and she stabbed his hand with her dagger that she took from her belt. Black blood leaked out of the small wound, but he laughed and the injury closed up and healed. The door burst open, and Slender stood there, his tentacles lashing. The boys were there, brandishing their weapons as well.

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!", Jeff screeched, and he lept at the demon. Everyone else charged, but then we suddenly started to fade away. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was, "Zalgo! Unhand my daughter!" And I was pretty sure that it was my dad.

*A Few Hours Later*

"Ugh... My head...", I groaned, and I tried to sit up. I was yanked back down by chains strapping me to a metal chair that had scary carvings all over it. The whole room was filled with blood, especially that chair.

"I see that you have awaken.", a deep, demonic voice said. I wearily looked up, and before me stood a huge demon. The one that I saw at my window. The one who captured me. Everything hit me. I was captured by none other than Zalgo himself. "I have a question for you, my dear."

"What the hell do you want?!", I snapped, and he shook his finger at me.

"Now, now... Don't treat your fiancé like that...", he purred, a smile growing. His seven mouths smiled creepily at me.

"FIANCÈ?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!", I screamed, and I tried to get out of the tight chains that were binding me to the rusty chair. "Please... Just let me go...", I said, starting to sob.

"Well... Maybe I'll let you go... If you bring your dad here... And you sacrifice him for yourself... I could make an exception...", he said, and he stroked his chin "thoughtfully".

"Never! Why the hell would I do that, you bastard!", I said, and fat tears leaked down my cheeks. "I'm not a monster... Like you... Who tears families apart just for your own fun." He grabbed me by my shirt, and he snarled.

"Don't talk back to me, young lady. Shut the fuck up... Or else I'll kill you on the spot.", he growled angrily. I quickly shut my mouth, but in my mind I cursed at him, and hurt him. My family will come and help me... I hope...

Jane's POV

I screamed at the top of my lungs. One of my best friends that I ever had was gone. Taken by the demon himself. I screamed until my voice was hoarse and I could barely talk. "That bastard... That fuck face... I'll kill him... I swear...", I muttered angrily.

"You'll kill him with your sonic screams, Jane. Shut the fuck up and let us think of a way to actually save her.", Jeff said. He glared at me and then Slendy spoke.

"We must save her... She is my daughter... And I love her, in a fatherly way. We must all make a plan. Do you have any ideas?", Slendy spoke softly. He didn't want to be loud... And he seemed quite sad that his daughter was taken by his worst enemy.

"Let's go, and we should stab him.", Jeff said happily.

"No, you prick. How the fuck would that work?!", Clocky screeched at him. Jeff whimpered and stroked his knife.

"Maybe we could lure him somewhere... And then have a surprise attack!", Masky said sensibly. Everyone pondered this for a moment, then Toby piped up.

"Maybe he likes waffles, so THAT could lure him!", Toby said, and he squealed excitedly.

"You think that THAT would fucking work? We need an actual plan to actually save her!", Helen wailed. BEN stood there, a dirty smirk on his face. Slender read his thoughts and smacked him with a tentacle.

"Ow...", BEN whined, rubbing his cheek.

"Any other ideas? No? I was thinking that Masky's idea pull work the best. I was thinking something similar to that. Now... Let's see who is going to do what...", Slendy said, and everyone gathered around him, trying to pick what role they got.

"I want to give Zalgo candy! Poison candy!", Laughing Jack said eagerly.

"That's not even in the fucking plan, LJ.", Puppet said, rolling his golden eyes at him. "Stick to the fucking plan, then we might actually succeed." LJ put away his poison candy sadly, then grumped over to Slendy.

"Let's save (Y/N)!", everyone cheered.

"AND STICK TO THE ACTUAL PLAN, OKAY?!", Masky screamed over everyone trying to get the role that they wanted.

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