~*~Chapter 17- Girl Time~*~

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(Y/N)'s POV

I hid under my blankets as soon as I got in my room. That was the scariest thing that ever happened to me, ever. I lay there, shivering until I heard s quiet knock at my door. "W-who is it?", I squeaked.

"It's me... Jane. Can we have a sleepover or something? I'm kinda scared...", Jane said sheepishly.

"ME TOO! WHAT IF THOSE SHADOW THINGS FUCKING GET ME?! UH UH BITCH.", Clockwork yelled. I let them both into my room. Jane rummaged through my box of movies.

"Who wants to watch Mean Girls?", Jane asked excitedly. "This is my favorite movie of all time!"

"I FUCKING DO.", Clockwork said. She was shouting everything... I guess it was because she shouted when she was scared? I have no idea...

"Sure. Let's watch it.", I said, and Jane put the disk into the movie player thingy and it started. I got popcorn and Coke, and we watched the movie and laughed at the funny parts. My personal favorite quote is "DANNY DEVITO I LOVE YOUR WORK!" Which is what Damien said when he saw a girl in the bathroom. For those of you who haven't watched the movie, yes, Damien is a guy, and he did go into the girl's bathroom.

"Why do I love this movie? It's so insanely cliche!", Clocky said, and she grabbed a handful of popcorn and threw it in her mouth.

"Well... I guess we can all relate to it... You know... Bullying.", Jane said quietly.

"Don't make this depressing... I WANNA HAVE FUN! NOT WEEP AND CRY.", I whined, and I threw popcorn at her. "That's what you get... With a hide away pet!"

"That's weird...", Clocky said, and then she joined in. "Nu! Jane don't make this depressing you idiot!" Jane hid under my bed.

"Fineee.", she grumped, and we went back to watching the movie. "Why did Janis kiss Damien!?"

"Because. That is how life goes.", I said, and then Cady started breaking the crown and stuff. We watched in silence for the rest of the movie, while munching on popcorn. "I love this movie so much..."

Little did we know, while we were watching the movie, someone was watching us through our window. He was a demon king, and he had 7 mouths. His claws scraped against the window soundlessly, and he let out a low growl. We laughed, and he snarled and placed his palm angrily onto the window. It burned him and he hissed in pain. "Hey... Did you guys hear that?", I asked.

"Yeah... It came from over by your window.", Jane said suspiciously. Clocky crept over, dagger in hand, and she pulled open my curtain... To reveal nothing.

"That was weird... But whatever. It was probably nothing.", I said, trying to ignore it. But inside, I knew that it was something. And it wasn't good.

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