Chapter 20~ Dead or Alive

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{Sylvie's P.O.V}

      I couldn't sleep at all last night, not with the thought of the possibility of my family being alive. I miss my mom and sister so much; Hell, I even miss my stepdad Matt. Daryl kept trying to tell me that Randall is lying and how he could've gotten that information from anywhere. I disagree, they had to have made it somewhere. 

"Hey, come back." I hear a voice rasp in my ear. I stop looking up at the roof of the tent and glance over at Daryl. I must admit, he looks damn sexy without his shirt, and his morning voice. 

"Sorry... Morning." I greet him. 

"I want things back to the way they used to be." Daryl sighs. That could mean two things, either he wants us to act like we've never met or back when we were happier and less stressed about our situation.

"So does that mean I should leave or should I kiss you?" I ask quietly. He looks at the end of the bed, Athena is still curled up sleeping soundly.

"Kiss me." he mumbles. I smile and lean towards him, our lips meet in a kiss. He places a hand on the side of my face and uses it as leverage to deepen the kiss.

       After a short make out session, he rolls on top of me. He uses his arms to hold himself only a few inches away from my face. I giggle and wrap my legs around his waist.

"Ye' sure she ain't gonna wake up?" he whispers. I peek my head out from underneath him and look at her, she appears sound asleep. But then again, I feel kinda weird gettin' it on in front of my kid.

"How do you feel about the woods?" I ask. He nods and gets out from underneath the covers. 

     I watch him grab a condom out of his bag, then he grabs my hand and pulls me outside. I feel like I'm in high school again, sneaking out of the house to meet a boy. We go a little ways in, but not too far where we can't see camp.

"Ye' got too many clothes on." He flirts, pressing me against a tree. 

"How about you fix it then, if you're man enough." I tease him. He lets out a primal groan as he rips my shirt off; my favorite shirt too. 

"Hey! That was my-" He cuts me off by grabbing my hands and pinning them above my head.

       Things get pretty heated, clothes fly every which way and soon the layer of leaves on the ground becomes our 'bed'.

"Oh god... Daryl" I moan, scratching his back in ecstasy. He kisses me hard, so I bite his lip to silence what I'm pretty sure is a loud pleasurable sound.

     Once he finishes, we get dressed. Minus my shirt, so I have to walk back in my bra with my ripped shirt to cover myself. I scurry into the tent to change into fresh clothes, Athena is still sleeping. 

     I feel a pair of arms around me while I slip a new shirt on. I turn around and rest my head on his chest. It's pretty squished in here, at least height-wise. 

"I missed this." He mutters in my ear.

"Me too..." I sigh happily. He goes silent for a moment, then he lets go and sits on the bed. 

    He looks at Athena, a look on his face that I can't quite recognize.

"Is everything okay?" I wonder, sitting beside him.

"I think we should tell Thena'." He suggests. I bite my lip to hide a smile, I've been waiting for him to ask. I haven't done so myself because I couldn't tell if he wanted things to go any further than casual hook-ups.

"I thought you'd never ask." I smile, then press my lips against his.

"I'm gonna go have a chat with the prisoner." Daryl suddenly decides.

"Daryl, what are you doing?" I say sternly. I know full well what he's doing, but I wanna here him say it out loud and realize how ridiculous his plan is.

"It's my job to protect ye'. And if that asshole wants to live, he's gonna tell me where the hell yer' family is. I ain't gonna let him stay at Hotel Hershel if he don't know nothin', and I sure as hell don't want him anywhere near my girl." He says, territorial. 

"Then I'm coming with you, I know more about my family than you do. I don't care what you do, as long as you don't prevent him from answering my questions." I say boldly. 

"No, they ain't happenin'." He denies my request.

"Daryl, just cause we're together doesn't mean you get to control my every move. I can handle myself, I'm a big girl." I say, putting my hands on my hips. He softens his expression to a smirk.

"yes, yes ye' are." He says, slapping my butt. I roll my eyes and follow him out, but not before waking Athena and having her hang out with Carl or someone who can keep her occupied.


     Daryl and I enter the shed, mean and determined looks plastered on our faces. Daryl kicks Randall to make him sit up straight.

"Now ye' listen here. Yer' gonna answer any question my lady has, and if ye' fail to do so... Well I ain't gonna be a face ye' ever wanna see again." Daryl threatens the kid. He gulps, then nods.

"When did you come across my family?" I state my first question.

"At the start of all this. They needed a place to stay while their druggie kid went through withdrawals." He explains.

"What do you mean? Who was addicted to drugs?" I ask, hoping he mistook my sister for someone else that they may have took in along the way.

"The blonde chick, she woulda' been even cuter if she weren't throwing up and cryin' all the time." He answers.

"What did they say her name was?"

"I don't remember, somethin' like Rosie, Rhonda, Roslynn, I don't know."

"Roslynn. Her names' Roslynn." I correct him. I sigh, the sister I grew up with and knew would've never turned to drugs. And the worst part is no one told me.

"Where are they now?" 

"They left a few days ago, they said they didn't like-" He cuts himself off, as if to think about what to say.

"They wanted to find a new place to stay." He quickly says.

"What do ye' mean, what didn't they like?" Daryl instantly picks up on his lie, and his attempt to cover it up. Daryl punches Randall repeatedly, making him cry out and whimper. 

"What did you do to them!?" I shout in his face.

"Back up sweetheart, you aren't gonna do anything. Nor do you scare me." He laughs, licking the blood from underneath his nose.

    I sense Daryl going in for the kill, so instead I step forward. I grab him by his bony neck and squeeze hard. He claws at my hands once breathing gets too hard. I release my grip, then stand up and kick him in the balls.

"I'll be back later. And when I return, you better have some worthy answers for me." I growl, whipping my hair as I walk away with sass. 

   Damn, what a rush.

A/N- I feel bad for the space between updates, It's hard to fit them in with my schedule. Hope you enjoyed the little romantic scene at the beginning. How do you like Daryl and Sylvie finally being officially together? Comment if ya want!

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