Chapter 21~ Catastrophe

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{Sylvie's P.O.V}

      I love braiding Athena's hair, especially because of how long and soft it is. She likes it because it occupies her for a little while. All we have is time and we don't do a whole lot so she gets bored easily. I however feel busier than ever, since Randall showed up that is.

"Rick!" I hear Shane yell. I turn and look at him coming out of the woods, Rick and a few others are hurrying up to him. 

     They appear to have a panicked discussion, then Daryl hurries over to us.

"Ye' get yer' shit and go hide inside. Now!" He demands. 

"What's going on?" I wonder.  

"Randall got free, he's out here somewhere. I don't want ye' gettin' hurt or tryin' to find him yerself' cause he's dangerous. He got Shane's gun and hit him." Daryl explains. My jaw drops in shock, how could someone in his weakened condition and with restraints like he had, get out? 

"Come on sweetie. We gotta go inside." I say, hoisting her up and rushing inside. 

       For once I don't mind being made to stay behind. Daryl was right, Randall was just playing me the whole time. If he did have contact with my family, him and his crew probably killed them. Now my number one priority is to keep my child safe.


     Nighttime quickly falls upon us, and still no sign of Randall. Those of us stuck inside are worried out of our minds. Lori is going bat shit crazy with worry, Rick is out there somewhere, and Randall too. I'm worried about Daryl, he should be back by now.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Athena complains. 

"I can make her a sandwich, if you'd like." Beth offers.

"Honey, why don't you go with Beth and help her make a sandwich." I say to her. She slowly nods and gets off the couch to go with Beth.

     Once they disappear into the kitchen, the front door swings open and Glenn and Daryl step inside.

"We found Randall, he turned. But it didn't look like he was bitten, his neck was broke." Daryl explains curiously. Something isn't adding up, Shane's story is starting to blow up in flames. 

"Rick and Shane aren't back yet?" Glenn comments. I shake my head and then just stare at the ground with concern. 

"Mommy look! I made a ham sandwich!" Athena says proudly, showing me a somewhat sloppy sandwich. 

"Good job baby, now gobble it up!" I force enthusiasm despite my current state of mind. 

       Daryl and I make eye contact, then he jerks his head towards the door. I'm assuming that means he wants to talk outside in private. I kiss Athena's forehead then go out on the front porch with Daryl.

"I don't trust Shane, I know he's yer' ex but somethings' up." Daryl tells me. I look at him with glassy eyes, he gently pulls me into him and runs his hand over my hair.

"I'm scared..." I whisper. 

      When I lift my head off his chest and look around, I see a swarm of walkers on the property. I just freeze, staring in horror. There's too many, how will we ever make it out of here?

"Get Thena' and get in a vehicle." Daryl demands. I nod wordlessly and enter the house just as everyone else is coming out.

"I can't find Carl!" Lori says frantically. I pick up Athena and go back out onto the porch. Lori yells for her son and looks everywhere, but the boy is nowhere to be found.

"Sylvie go!" Daryl yells at me. 

"I'm not going without you!" I yell back. 

     He comes up to me and holds my head in both hands, he looks deep into my eyes. 

"There's no time, ye' can't worry bout' me. Ye' gotta get that little girl to safety. There ain't no argument to be had bout' it. Go." He speaks calmly, but sternly. I let out a sigh of defeat and rush Athena into the blue pickup truck.

     Soon, the rest of the group starts filing into the vehicles and they drive around the farm.  With the small amount of ammo we have, we can barely make a dent into the quickly growing horde of walkers.

"T-dog, we gotta get off this farm." I say with realization. He looks between all of us; Lori, Beth, Athena and I. He knows it too, this place is lost.

      Beth is a mess of tears, Patricia had been ripped from her arms on the way to the truck. Lori is still incredibly worried about Carl and Rick. And me? I'm doing some serious wishing that Daryl will make it off the farm in one piece.

"We should go to the highway, that's where everyone will go. They would." Lori says. T-dog looks at her as though she's crazy. They argue some more; and Lori threatens to get out of the truck, so T-dog stops. He slams his hand on the steering wheel then gives into our request and turns around.

      The tension in the air is thick, we don't speak to each other nor do we look at each other. As I look out the window, I feel Athena's chest breathing heavy.

"Hey sweetie, are you okay?" I ask her. She looks up at me, but she's different. 

    Those glazed, bloodshot eyes are staring right at me. The skin on her face is peeling from her nose and mouth. And her little hands reach up to my throat, so I let out a blood-curdling scream.

"Sylvie! What's wrong?" T-dog quickly asks. I blink my eyes and look at my daughter, everything is normal.

"N-nothing... I'm fine." I slow my breathing down and squeeze Athena tight, thank god she's not one of those things.

"Mommy, is Daryl coming to find us?" I hear Athena ask. 

"He'll certainly try baby, he certainly will..." 

         T-dog reaches the highway, and to our surprise a few of the others are already there. Rick, Hershel, Carl, Glenn, and Maggie. We park, and then right behind us Daryl's motorcycle parks. 

"Daryl!" I cry out, running at him full force. I crash against him, at first he's taken aback but then he wraps his arms around me.

"I'm so glad you're alive." I whisper.

"You founded us!!!" Athena chirps, throwing her arms around his legs.

"Course' I did Thena'. Did ye' really think I'd leave ye'?" He replies. She giggles and continues to hold on. Daryl is just a big teddy bear, although he tries to find it.

      My little family is back together, and I couldn't be more relieved.

A/N- hope you enjoyed! I wanted to get out of the season 2 setting since I've had it going on since like chapter 12. I think it's time for a change up. Hopefully I'll be able to update within the next couple days. Comment if ya want, and thanks for all the reads!

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