A ray of hope

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It was three at night when Marc called me. My sleep vanished as I answered the call. My life felt on constant alert.

"Marc." I asked when I heard only breathing over the call.

"Find Laser, he hates me now." Marc said sounding hurt.

"Marc are you alright?" I asked really concerned about him.

"I don't deserve to be alright." He said spitefully.

Something was really wrong.

"Where is Ian, Marc?" I asked getting fanatic by passing second as I got dressed hurriedly.

"Ian, he lets you call Ian. You know his brother called him that, a nickname his mother gave. His brother was only two when he died. He was just a freaking baby Amber." Marc yelled over the phone.

I have not known this and it pained me a lot to hear him say it.

"Please calm down Marc, I am coming now to your place." I said not sure what else to do now.

"No! No! Find him first, find Laser. You know how his temper is. He just found out that he could trust no one. Be there and let him see that he still have you." Marc pleaded.

"Okay. I saw him last yesterday morning and  then he went to see you. When was the last time you saw him?" I asked getting car keys as silently as possible.

My parents will probably kill me for sneaking out at night but this was an emergency.

"Yesterday afternoon." Marc answered tiredly.

"So he might be just sleeping at his place, right?" I asked trying to think of the best case scenario.

"No, his phone is switched off, I checked all the places he usually is but he is nowhere to be found."

"Fine, Marc I will see what I can do."

"Be careful out there, it is three in the morning." He added being the friend he was.

"Now you realise this when you put me in such a worried state. If I found Ian sleeping in his bed soundly I am going to kick your ass Marc." I threatened him lightly.

He chuckled tiredly.

"That is what everyone needs in my family Amber, their ass being kicked by you." He said in a pained tone clearly beaten about something.

But first thing first I had to find Ian and then we can deal with Marc.


It was kind of scary to be out alone in a small hilly town. I can literally feel eyes on me. And I was a target but my worry was higher than fear. So I just drove in the dead of night. Marc said that Ian was not home, not at the mansion .

I tried calling but the phone was switched off.

"Ian where the hell are you?" I muttered to myself atleast calling him a dozen times now.

I drove to the point where they had the concert and stopped there. My mind flashed back to the time when he saved me from falling down from the cliff. I closed my eyes at the memory , as the sound of lake in the dead of night echoed through my ears.

And suddenly like that idea struck me.

I restarted the car and turned to the point I hoped that Ian will be.


The water reminded me of our first date-ish we had on Fiore Rock. That was his solace point. And I seriously hoped that I would find him there. I got down from the car and found my way through the darkness to the rock that was surrounded by flowers. On the rock, I saw a familiar form and I sighed in relief almost making me weak.

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