In the club

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*Zayn's POV*
Everything was blurry and spinning. Everyone in the Cherry Popper club looked weird. I felt hot. I could barely breathe.
It's been two weeks since Gigi and I broke up. It's great because I needed a break from being used for publicity. I need to find someone I actually see myself marrying and having kids with.
I sighed. I should just go home. But how can I do that when I can't even see? Or feel? I came here by myself.
Suddenly I hear cheering. It was loud enough to ring my ears.
"Justin Bieber is here!"
"Hi Justin!!!"
Justin Bieber?
I blinked hard to clear my vision. I laid back. There was nothing I could do but sit there until I was okay again. But I really needed to puke.
My muscles tightened and then my mind went blank for a second.
I heard the person say my name, but my head remained laid back. The person shook me. Finally I lifted my head and opened my eyes. My vision was a little more clear and looked up.
Justin Bieber was standing right in front of me.
"Hey man, you okay?"

When Two Bad Boys Collide: Zustin FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now