Bad Boy

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*Zayn's POV*
*Lighter by Miley Cyrus plays in the background*
It was 6 in the morning and my eyes just popped opened. All of the girls (plus me of course) were sleeping in Tanya's room and a lot of us had to sleep on air mattresses. I was sleeping next to my girl, holding her close. Now that I couldn't go back to sleep, I decided to quietly go to the backyard and smoke a bit.
The sun peaked a bit.
I lit my lighter, got my stick, and inhaled.
Ah, that felt good.
Anyways, I need to make big changes in my life. In my career. I want things to exciting, a lot of things need to get poppin. But how? Marry Hannah? No. We just started dating. What do I do?
Later, everyone woke up and the sisters and I started packing. The house was saddened that we had to go, but we promised to visit more.
We said our sweet goodbyes and hit the road.
Days later, two of my friends named Frank and Aaron went skateboarding in the city.
We were going as fast as we could.
I didn't really care how fast I was going, I was having a blast. I did, like, 10 360s.
"Yo, Zayn!" Frank called. "Catch!" He threw his favorite football. Luckily, I caught it. "Hell fucking yeeeeaaahh!"
Sirens echoed. Perfect....
"Oh, shit!" Aaron said. "Run!"
"No!" I ordered. "We don't have to run from the cops!"
"Are you crazy?" Aaron said. "We'll be toast!"
"Relax," Zayn said. "We're not gonna arrested for skateboarding."
*Hours Later*
Hannah drove me to her and Icy's house from the police station. And holy shit she was pissed.
As I went inside, I saw Icy, SelFrida, Cree, and Tanya on the couch, watching television. They all gave me the "Mmm you in troubllllleeeee" look, so I know they were going to be nosey.
Hannah slammed the door. She looked like a psycho.
"Look, don't bother me about this," I said. "I'm not in the mood for this shit."
"This is the fourth time this week you went doing stupid shit!" Hannah said.
"Okay well this is my first time going to jail," I protested.
"Not really."
"You're getting on my nerves. It's not that serious. I'm going home."
"Uh, no one is done talking to you!" She sassed.
"Okay but I'm done talking to you," I argued. I headed out the door and walked home.
The next day, I was with Justin and we discussed what happened when walking downtown.
He laughed.
"It's not funny."
"I can imagine her face looking like a big demonized berry."
"Yeah, well we haven't talked in a while."
"Aw, poor you."
"I mean, it's not rocket science that I messed up," I said. "I just don't want her yelling at me for not being perfect. I didn't make her my girlfriend to be this perfect little mule."
"I get what you mean," Justin agreed. "We're both imperfect little bad boys."
"But we're also good," I said.
"Woah, man," I said. "I have to pee."
"Me, too," Justin said. "I've been holding in my pee forever. Let's stop here."
We inside a fast food restaurant named Skifty and asked for the bathroom.
"Over in that hall and take a left," an employee responded.
"Thanks," we said.
We went down the dark hall and opened the door to the men's room.
It looked nice and clean thank God.
"I have to shit also," Justin announced.
I went to a urinal and did my business.
Justin opened a stall and SCREAMED!
I stopped my pee, hid my dick, and went to see what was wrong. "What?!"
He was shook.
I looked at what he was looking at.
"OH SHIT!!!!!"
A white man in his late thirties was on the floor with his butt out. He was..... bleeding! There was blood everywhere!!!!!!!
"OH MY GOD!" Justin panicked. I grabbed his arm.
"We have to get someone!" I said.
We ran to an employee and they took care of everything else.
The man was dead, clearly. His name was Marshall Anderson. He was murdered and stabbed to death.
Justin and I walked to Hannah and Icy's house, shocked.
Icy was there and we told her what happened.
"Oh, my god..." she responded.
We couldn't speak. What do we say?
I couldn't sleep that night. Looking at dead bodies in person was not very comforting.
This man was just trying to use the bathroom and this happens? I thought of his family and friends. Thinking about a woman and her children having to what happened to her husband/ their father was so devastating. I tried to calm myself. I got out of bed and got my cigarettes.

When Two Bad Boys Collide: Zustin FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now