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*Zayn's POV*
I woke up with the street lights beaming through the window blinds. I felt hungover from the sex with my new girl. I want this relationship to go somewhere. I really liked her. I struggled out of bed, put undwear on, and went to kitchen. Maybe I could make her something. She better fucking eat what I make because I got out of bed for this. Maybe I can make chicken and stuff. No, not because she's a black girl.
I found many food that I can make my chicken with.
Later, I went back up to give Hannah her dinner.
I kissed her on the cheek to wake her up and she smiled.
"Hello, love," I greeted. "I made you dinner." I brought the food in.
She gasped. "Awww, thank yooooou!"
I set it on her lap, we gave each other a juicy kiss, and she starts eating.
"You know," I said. "When you first arrived here, I thought you were beautiful, but I didn't think we'd end up the way we are, now. I want to make this relationship work. You are a very sweet, smart, funny, and sexy woman. I am lucky you and your sister moved here. Things might get a little crazy in the media, but who gives a shit what the media thinks of celebrities anymore? Their fans will still love them and the media isn't always right about everything. You feel me, mate?"
She started coughing and drank lots of water. "Th-this is making my throat itchy. What's in this soup you made?"
"Chicken, jalapeños, avacado, mushroo-"
She aggressively spat in her soup and panicked.
........ Aw, shit............
She quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom, still naked. She roamed through drawers. "I'M OUT OF PENICILLIN!"
I was agitated. "Okay! Okay I'll take you to the hospital." I picked up her clothes and shoved them to her. "I'll be right back. I have to get my car."
I dashed to my house and into my garage. The street light was deam, so I couldn't see much. I pressed open my garage door, turned on the car, and got to Hannah's house. I decided to wait for her, but she took too long. Getting impacient, I got back inside.
"Help me get down the stairs!"
"Hannah are you serious?"
"Yes, I'm serious! I can barely move!"
"Oh, god."
I got to her and picked her heavy ass up. The car seemed like a thousand miles. Now, I could barely walk.
We got in the car and raced to the closest one there. We entered a highway and I speeded up. Hannah couldn't breathe.
"It's okay, baby," I said. "We'll get there in no time."
Oh great......
I pulled over to the side.
Hannah groaned. "Zayn! I can't breathe!"
"OK! OK! I'll just call 911 here!"
I grabbed my phone and vigorously dialled the number.
Hannah started breathing like walrus with asthma. "Zayn!" She swallowed hard. "HURRY UUUP!"
"911 what is your emergency?"
"Yes, my girlfriend-" it felt so fucking good to call her ny girlfriend. It's a sweet reminder that she is mine. "-ate mushrooms, which she is allergic to. We're trying to get to the hospital, but a tire popped. Can you please arrive to highway-" I told her where to go.
"Alright, we'll be there in 20 minutes."
Twenty minutes? My girlfriend is exploding and might die!!!
Hannah started to aggressively moan.
"Okay, we'll see you."
As the conversation was over, I grabbed Hannah's hand. She squeezed it.
"Listen! You'll be fine! Just breathe! I'm sorry, okay?"
"Oooooh! I'm itchy!"
"I know, baby," I said. "This is making me itchy, too." I laid her head on my shoulder. "Relax. That's right. Chill. Nothing to worry about."
"Zayn. Zay...."
"Ssh," I shushed. I looked at the time. "Nineteen more minutes."
Then, she rubbed her shoulder on my rib hard.
"What are you doing?"
"Ah, that feels nice," she moaned, feeling relaxed.
I got her off. "No scratching!"
She scoffed and moved around uncomfortably. "Shit! Zayn it's itches like shit!!!"
"Well, I don't know what to do. How do I stop a allergic reaction."
Then, Han remembered something."Oh, my gosh! I remember I left some penicillin in an emergency kit I left in your car when we went to the store. Find it Zayn!"
"Okay!" I said, un-buckling my seat belt. I turned on the lights inside the car and scrammed through all of the car.
Hannah's face got big and she started whaling.
"I don't see it anywhere," I said.
It's like it disappeared or we left it somewhere else. It became difficult to search as Han groaned louder and louder. Just fucking shut up. I looked at the back of the car.
"Nope, nothing here," I announced, then I saw a white case with a red plus on it. "Oh here it is."
I reached for it, nearly dislocating it. I leaned closer, grunting like I was the one with the allergic reaction.
Finally, my hand gripped onto the handle. "Gotcha."
I crawled fast back to Han and gave it to her.
She bursted open the kit and grabbed the penicillin.
She went from breathing like a loon to finally breathing calmly.
I sighed of relief.
"You okay?"
"You still should get to the hospital."
Later, Hannah was in her hospital room and I was in the hall with my head down. I texted Icy what happened and after twelve minutes of her screaming and swearing at me, she told me she was on her way.
A doctor walked out of the room.
I lifted my head. "Can I see her?"
I walked in and she smiled. she looked like a goddess in her hospital gown.
"Hi," she greeted.
I held her hand. I thought about what I have done and felt guilty. "All I wanted to do was make you dinner and do something nice for you to show that I wanna make this relationship shine."
She grinned, adored. "Aww."
"I'm sorry."
"That's so sweet of you."
"So are we a thing?"
"Well, duh," she replied. "I love you."
"I love you, too."
I leaned in and we kissed.
Later, Justin called me. "Hey, man. Wanna hang out?"
"Nah. I'm in bed, regretting life."
"Why?" he asked.
"I accidently made Hannah eat something she's allergic to."
Justin laughed. "You're never getting laid again."
"Don't worry, man. She'll be fine."
"Mm-hmm. So yall are really a thing?"
"Yeah. I don't want to mess this one up. So what's going on with you?"
"I just got back from this party. You should have came."
"I kinda want to stay away from parties right now," I admitted.
It was silent for a moment, then he said, "Come with me somewhere."
"Please?" He said please like an abused puppy. "I just wanna see you."
I sighed. I wanted to see him, too. "Where do you wanna go?" I asked.
*Justin's POV*
Zayn and I went to the mountains to look at the sky. Thinking Bout You by Ariana Grande was playing in the car. We were high as fuck. The smoke that came out of us was art.
"The moon looks like a half eaten salami," I stated.
"Really? I think it looks like a half eaten cookie."
"Hm.." I said. "True because cookies are hard."
"The clouds make the sky look so fucking pretty," Zayn said.
He was right. The clouds visible because of the moon.
"Hey, Zayn? Can you show me how to make your smoke into a ring?"
"Easy. Take as Long of a Drag as Possible. Make sure not to inhale, as you want the smoke to be in your mouth only. Make an "O" shape with your mouth. Make a Slight Throat Cough or Reverse Hiccup."
"Yo! I did it!"
"I'm surprised you just started learning how to," Zayn laughed.
"Yeah, well."
I loved being with someone just like me. I felt like he was a big brother.

When Two Bad Boys Collide: Zustin FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now