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*Justin's POV*
"This place is the life," I told Zayn as we admire the sunrise.
"It's lit," he agreed.
"I wish we could go for a swim, but people would see us and report our asses."
"Well let's do something fun in here," he suggested. "Frank said they have coconut milk. I never tried it."
We went to the fridge and got out bottles of coconut milk.
"You try," I said.
"No, you."
"Ugh fine." He took a quick sip and tried to process the taste.
"It tastes like sweet water," he explained.
I took a sip next. "It tastes like water with a little of lemon."
"I like it, I guess."
"Let's watch T.V."
"Okay," he agreed.
Then, a man came into the house. We looked at him, confused. Marion came in. "Aye, Ian, how are you?"
"What's up little bro?"
Marion turned to us. "Boys, this my brother Ian. Don't worry, he promised to keep you two a secret."
He shook our hands.
When they left I said, "Well, he seems nice."

*Zayn's POV*

It was now sunset. It was beautiful and I stared at it for like..... ever. I'm glad we ran away here. Frank came to chat with me.
"You look good in this sunset," he complimented.
"Aw, thanks," I blessed.
He rubbed the back of his neck. "So uh... are you and Justin like bffs?"
"We're cool," I replied. "I feel like our friendship hasbeen filled with crazy adventures. We're like Drake and Josh. Zack and Cody. Spongebob and Patrick. We have some things in common. In fact, we're both dating two girls who are sisters. Very beautiful."
"Oh. I ain't no you had a girlfriend."
"Yeah. I'm not trying to move on so fast. Everything just... clicked. And I better not see people thinking she's just some side hoe or whatever. She's very amazing. So, Frankie. Any special people in your life?"
"No," Frank said.
"Oh don't worry," I assured him. "You'll find a special girl."
"Well, I'm gay...."
We laughed.
"Sorry," I apologized.
"It's cool."
"Anyways, single can also be a blessing," I added. "My girlfriend lately keeps making me feel like everything I do is wrong when I'm just trying to be myself. She yelled me one time for saying hi."
Frank laughed. Then said,"I feel you. But sometimes the single life can get a little discouraging. You wonder 'so am I just not good enough?' But either way, don't let anyone's opinions on you effect you. There's just so much a person can take, that you kind start to lose yourself. You get what I'm sayin'?"
I nodded. I could relate heavily. "You should be a poet. I'm not even trying to be funny."
He smiled. "Thanks kiddo."
The two of us continued chatting and watching the sunset together, not realizing there was someone watching us.

When Two Bad Boys Collide: Zustin FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now