Oh mah gawsh

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*Zayn's POV*
On our way back to the mansion, Stephanie gasped. "Liam is doing solo work???"
"Huh?!?!" we all said.
"He signed a new record and tweet about how One Direction will always be his home and shit," Steph informed.
"Holy shit," I said.
"And now people are starting a hashtag #OneDirectionIsOverParty," Steph added.
Lolita busted out laughing.
"This isn't surprising," Hannah said. "I kinda already knew Liam was gonna be the second one to go solo."
"And that they're breaking up," Cree said.
"No offense but 1D was dead as fuck the second this nigga right here left," Lolita stated, pointing at me.
"Exactly," Stephanie agreed.
"No," I protested. "That's not true."
"Mhmm," Lolita said.
"Well," I said. "I wanna see how people are reacting to him leaving, because when I left, the fandom wanted to murder me. A lot of OT4 stans are still salty about me."
"It's kinda 50-50," Stephanie said. "A lot of Harry stans and some Louis stans are dragging Liam, but a lot of Liam and Zayn stans are celebrating."
"You and Liam should collab," Cree declared.
"Definitely," I agreed.
"What about Niall stans?" Hannah asked.
"A lot of them are talking about how he's gonna be alone in the band."
"Aw," Hannah said.
"I'm happy for the little fellow," I said. "He'll do amazing."
*Icy's POV*
Meanwhile I was stunned by what Justin had just told me.
"I love you. I want to be with you! I wanna make love to you. You're everything to me. I'm sorry if I haven't been making it clear to you about my feelings to you. I was just scared. I didn't want you to get....." He was out of breath and tears fell down his face. "Do you love me?" He continued. "I love you so much. The reason why Z and I left for your first performance is because that evil bitch was trying to ruin your performance and we were stopping her."
"Ohh!" That made sense. I was curious why they left.
"But seeing your second performance, which was much better, I....I..." He couldn't breathe. He couldn't talk right. "I felt like I was watching an angel. You're my angel. I just....." He wheezed. "I just wanna....." He sniffed, wiped his tears, and kissed me.
Oh my gosh....
My eyes widened.
I kissed him back.
Tears streamed both of our faces.
I hugged him, crying.
Don't worry Justin you're with me now.
*Hannah's POV*
As the five of us got home, we saw Samiyah, Brittany, Lizzy, Kacey, Gothie, Nicole, Lauren, Jade, and Angelina crowding and looking out the back window.
"What's going?" I asked.
Hold the fuck up.
"WHAT?!" The five of us shouted. We jogged over there and saw Icy and Justin hugging each other, crying.
"He poured out his feelings to her and got overwhelmed and started crying," Samiyah explained. "Then, he kissed her."
"Awwww," Brittany said. "They are so cute."
"I give them 3 months," Jade scoffed, as she put her cigarette in her mouth.
We looked at her.
Justin and Icy kissed again.

When Two Bad Boys Collide: Zustin FriendshipTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang