Drake and Hailey???

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*Justin's POV*
Zayn and I were at a bar. Slow music was playing, everyone was about to pass out, and a light flickering. The cool alcohol soothing in my body and my mind becoming more relaxed. My pink lips were wet and dripping from the alcohol. Zayn took a large sip of alcohol. I hoped he didn't lose his control of his health like last time, but as long as two buddies get drunk together, then hey.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah. Why?"
"That was quite a sip you took there."
"I'm ready to get fucked up," Zayn explained.
"Are you driving?"
"Nah, I'll call my limo driver," I replied. "Drink all you want, I just wanna make sure you good."
"Same here, buddy. Be careful."
Two guys looking out for each other is a beautiful thing to be honest; it was nice to have Zayn around.
Zayn looked at snapchat. Since when did he have a snap?
"Hey did you know Drake had a party?"
"Yeah," I responded.
"You follow Madison Beer?"
"Yeah, man."
"Did you see Hailey Baldwin sitting on Drake's lap?"
I spit out my alcohol. "HOLY MOTHER OF-" I snatched his phone and saw Madison's snap. "What the fuck is this foolishness?!"
"This is just as shocking as Khloe Kardashian being caught with Odell Beckham Jr," Zayn added.
I looked up at him with my eyes wide opened. "HUH?" Then I shook my head. "Okay, we'll roast them later. What is this fuckery with Hailey and Drake?!"
"There's probably nothing going on," Zayn said. "Maybe she's just casually sitting on his lap."
"Motherfucker you don't sit on someone's lap like this. They're a thing!!!"
I gave Z back his phone and tried to process this. It has been forever since Hailey and I were hooked up. For some reason it feels like yesterday.
"Yo, it says here that they were seen kissing," Zayn informed.
"Yeah, on Wikipedia," Zayn said.
I sucked my cheeks. "Wikipedia don't always have the right information. Anyone could have put that there to be messy. There are probably no pictures or anything."
I grabbed his phone, googled images, and there was nothing.
"See?" I said. "Don't worry, my young friend. Nothing is going on." 😌

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