Stormed in

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*Hannah's POV*
Zayn came to my house to talk to me about court yesterday. He was really annoyed.
"I'm really sorry, Z."
"Thank you, Hannah. I just everything to turn out okay. So what's going on with you."
"Oooh, I have been DYIIIING to tell you that Mr. Joseph is able to work with us now."
"Really? Ace."
"So now you don't have to work with me at RCA Records," I explained.
He frowned and looked down.
Oh, no! I didn't mean it like that!! Oh, damn.
"But- But maybe we'll be able to collab one day," I assured, trying to cheer him up, holding onto his shoulder.
There was an awkward silence. I looked out the window; it looked like there was gonna be a rough storm.
The doorbell rang.
"I GOT IT BITCHES!" Icy unnecessarily announced. She opened the door and there was Justin. "Oh, hey."
"Hi...." Justin greeted, feeling awkward. I think he still felt awkward about when Icy confronted him about the n word.
"So, what's gonna happen to that guy," I asked.
"He's gonna go to jail, I bet."
"Lucky you," Zayn said. "Gigi is probably gonna stay free and skip around all happy and shit."
"That bitch can't even walk," Icy laughed.
Rain smacked the house.
"Anyways," Icy said. "We're able to work with Mr. Joseph now that Nani is in the hospital." She turned to Justin. "It would have been nice to work with you though."
"So you don't hate me or anything."
Icy was confused. "Huh?"
Zayn rolled his eyes. "Justin! We talked about this! A person checking you on racism and racial slurs does not mean they hate you!"
Icy turned to him. "You think I hate you just because of that?.... I mean, I was very annoyed, but I still love you. I'm just not gonna cape for you and act like you using the n word is cool."
"Okay, but you don't have to attack me about it," Justin argued.
"No one was attacking you!" Zayn and Ice yelled at the same time.
"Zayn and I put you in check, too," I reminded.
"Exactly!" Icy agreed. "Why do you keep saying it was just me?!"
Everyone started shouting at the same time. Then, suddenly, the power went off and a lamp bursted and shocked my arm. I grunted in pain.
"You okay?" Zayn asked. He rushed over to me as I blew and fanned my arm.
"What the fuck was that?" I demanded.
Thunder clashed.
"Let's just go to my house," Justin suggested. "My house is probably fine. Grab some umbrellas and get in the car."
"Justin, no," I said. "The news said there's gonna be floods everywhere and the road is too slippery."
"Aw, fuck."
"All of the houses have no electricity," Icy announced, looking out the window.
"Welp," Zayn said. "Looks like we are stormed in."
"Let's go get some lanterns in the basement," I said.
We opened the door to a dark stairway.
"You go first," Icy said to me.
I grabbed her hand and shivered.
Justin turned on the light on his phone.
She linked arms with Zayn and we slowly got down the stairs.
"Can you guys hurry up?" Justin sassed. "There's nothing down there."
Then, we heard a sound that sounded like something was pushed off a shelf.
My heart dropped.
"Nope!" I said as we quickly got back upstairs. Not going down there.

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