Chapter 8

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*Justin's POV*
Last night was a nightmare, but I tried to take my mind off of it. But that didn't work since the person who took my phone leaked photos of me and my messages. Plus he tweets onto my account. How splendid.
"THIS GUY IS POSTING PICTURES OF MY MESSAGES!!!" I screamed to Travis and my manager, Scooter.
They gasped.
"And he's hacking me!"
"Just go on Twitter and post that you're being hacked and go private," Travis said.
"I did... thousands of times. He keeps deleting it and unprivating it."
"Justin!" Scooter said. "Great news! They tracked your phone. They got the address and everything. The police are on their way."
"Oh, thank God."
"They're gonna give you your phone, arrest the guy, and everything will be in peace again."
"Actually," I said. "Then, we'll have to destroy his house and then everything will be in peace."
"Justin, it's not that serious."
"He took something of mine and leaked all of my privacy," I explained. "He's clearly a hater."
"Justin, no. If you do this, you'll just end up in jail with him."
I sighed. "True. But it'd be nice."
The thing is: I was gonna do it anyways. But I needed help.
*Hannah's POV*
"Girl this place is gorgeous!" I said as me and my sister walked into the 3rd floor of Def Jam.
"I told you," Icy said.
I was about to jump for joy, but I had to keep calm.
"Hiiii, Justiiin."
"Oh, hi," he said. "You must be Icy's sister. I can tell because y'all look alike." He shook my hand!!!!! djakshchxbssjsjwjdbsjzjzjannazhzbzabhhxhsjsjasjzjxyHwhajzhxjdnshfxjjdjbssjjiwjedhdx.
He turned to Ice. "Hey, how's it going?"
She was still pissed at him. "Good..." She didn't even look at him.
Justin seemed hurt and knew it was about his breakdown last night.
I tried to change the subject.
"So um, Icy was telling me about meeting you and I told her about meeting Zayn Malik," I said.
"Oh cool," he said. "Very nice guy."
"Yeah, in fact he was so nice he let you use the N word," Icy snapped.
Ah, damn...
"Excuse me?"
She couldn't let me have my moment?
Suddenly, the elevator door opened.
Oh my gosh!!! Zayn?!?!
"Vas happening?"
"Hello, Hannah."
I was expecting Justin to say hello to Zayn, but he was focused on what Icy just said.
Ice turned to Zayn. "Are you okay with Justin using the N word?"
Icy, wyd? But then again she did have the right to ask.
Zayn looked shocked at her, but then he thought about it and said, "Actually, no."
"You could see how shocked he was when Justin said it," I explained.
"I knew that moment people were gonna get on your rear about that. I really wanted to slap you," Zayn said.
"It's not my place to tell black people how to feel about all this, but they should be appauled."
"Yeah," Icy said.
"It's enough that I had to deal with Louis saying it," Zayn added.
Justin... had the audacity.... to just stand there........ and shrug.
"Who cares? I didn't mean it in a bad way."
"It don't matter how you mean it," I said, finally stepping in. "Don't use it at all."
"You guys are being stupid. What about when yall say cracker."
"Cracker. Is. Not. A. Racial. Slur," Icy gritted.
"Let's go back a bit," I said. "Since you wanna be childish. White people used the word to dehumanize us because all we were them were their big lipped, big nosed pieces of shit."
"Why do y'all always have to bring up slavery?!" Justin demanded.
"To remind yall the damage yall have done to us," I replied. "Anyways, black people turned it into our word because of the common issues we have been through. If slavery comes back, we gonna have to be in this shit all together. Now do you understand?"
"Just don't say it," Zayn pleaded. "Later, at least apologize for using it."
School him, Daddy, yes.
"Okay," Justin sighed.
"And don't do shit like this again," Ice said. "We have enough white celebrities being disrespectful to black people and black culture."
Justin nodded, then looked down.
Icy turned to me. "Let's go talk to Mr. Joseph about our career."
We walked to Mr. Joseph.
"Hello, girls," he greeted.
"Don't 'hello girls' us," I said. "You makin us wait months just so some bitch with no talent can make her album which is gonna be trash?"
"I'm sorry. She wants to make her dreams come true. And I'm getting paid to help."
"And when no one buys her album, then what?" Icy said.
"Oh, girls! Stop being such a pain about this! Her music is not bad at all."
"Let me hear a track," I said.
He played a song...... it sound like she was under water and the beat was boring.
"This is a mess," Icy said.
"I wanna fight," I stated.
The door opened and entered Nani Poon.
"Why am I always seeing this little ass girl in here?" she said, pointing at Icy. "Who are these girls?"
Me and Icy looked at each other in shock. Who she talkin to?
"Little ass girl?!?!?" Icy said. "We're your age. And we're the girl who are supposed to be here because we have actual talent."
Mr. Joseph started sweating.
"Excuse me?" She turned to Mr. Joseph. "You're working with other people when I'm the one with an album to release???"
"I'm trying to tell them that I will work with them when I am done with your album."
"And we're trying to tell him that we didn't come all this way just to wait months to release something," I said. "just so you can release trash."
She dropped her purse. "Hold up."
"Now wait a minute, darling," a voice said.
A black lady about 55, who looked like Yzma from The Emporor's New Groove with a nice hair do and in a suit dress and red heels, entered.
"Nani, don't let lesser people make opinions on you."
Who is this?
"Is this your mother?" I asked.
"Why, yes," the woman said.
"Jasmine," Mr. J said. "I'm very sorry, I promised these girls that I would help release music because I didn't think this would take this long."
"You know what?" Icy said. "We quit."
*Zayn's POV*
As the sisters left to go talk to their manager, Justin said, "Anyways, they found my phone and they're gonna arrest the person."
"Aw, cool, man."
"There's something that you and I have to do, though," he added. He said that like we have to fuck or something. "We're gonna go to that person's house when no one is there and fuck up their shit. I don't care. This way when the person gets out, they won't have a home to go to."
I looked at him.
"They deserve it man. Leaking my shit? Hacking me? Yes I know I should have been careful. But a sane person would have just given it to me."
I nodded. "Alright. I'm in."
"Cool. I'll pick you up at 9."
Justin went back to talk to Travis and Scooter, then Hannah and Icy came back into the hallway.
Damn they were gorgeous. Both equally, but I have been having my mind wrapped around Hannah every since I first met her. She seems so goofy, chill, and filled with life. Her dark skin glistened. Her nappy hair looks fun to run my hand through if she was my girlfriend and she was laying her head on my lap.
"Child, I have to use the bathroom," Icy groaned. She busted through the lads room and left me alone with Hannah.
"Hey," I greeted.
She smiled and looked sad again.
"What's the matter?"
"Me and my sister are gonna have to go home."
What the bloody hell?
"Why?!?!?" I said a little too loudly and made it obvious that I liked her.
"Um, our manager is gonna be busy with some other girl."
"Nonsense," I puttered. "Work with me."
She looked into my eyes.
"You and your sister can release many music and at where I work. And if there's no more room for Ice, she can work with Justin."
"Fo sho," I assured.
She blushed."Thank you so much." Then we hugged. I never wanted to let her go.

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